Simply random stuff


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My wife mentioned that she wanted to watch “The Commitments” last night, so I dug it out. Cool movie, great music, but my copy was a pan-and-scan DVD. The blu-ray is on order.
Great movie! And the Blu-ray looks and sounds miles better than the DVD.

Top 20 sophomore rock albums, ranked

Martin Popoff Jethro TullStand Up

Here’s a case analogous to Genesis, with Jethro Tull also arriving with a potent prog proposition on their second album, in their case, leaving a sort of British blues boom situation. Significant new hire is Martin Barre on guitar but it’s the flute and intriguing vocal of Ian Anderson that defines the sound. Beyond him, what we have is a band that’s a fair bit along a spoke away from the prog bike wheel hub, with lots of folky acoustic guitar, a Celtic reel feel, some heaviness and still some blues. But for most fans, record No. 2 is where it all starts.
I really need to change my handle. First, people are using AR interchangeably for me and the quarterback Aaron Rodgers. And now NOAA is using AR for Atmospheric River, a weather event that is currently pounding California. Remarkably, we are headed out there this weekend, so AR Surround will literally be surrounded by an AR.

I really need to change my handle. First, people are using AR interchangeably for me and the quarterback Aaron Rodgers. And now NOAA is using AR for Atmospheric River, a weather event that is currently pounding California. Remarkably, we are headed out there this weekend, so AR Surround will literally be surrounded by an AR.

View attachment 89541
Sounds more like some threads we have here and the future of surround; or just an awesome band name!

Atmos-pheric Rivers
I really need to change my handle. First, people are using AR interchangeably for me and the quarterback Aaron Rodgers. And now NOAA is using AR for Atmospheric River, a weather event that is currently pounding California. Remarkably, we are headed out there this weekend, so AR Surround will literally be surrounded by an AR.

View attachment 89541

Clever, clever!
Out of convenience sometimes posters on the forum will refer to my handle as SW. Sometimes it gets confusing. And then I realize they are referring to that other SW, Stephen Wilson.

The Sacramento Bee says that area has had just a bit over an inch 'o rain in the last 24 hrs. And that area is in a flood watch Friday night to Sunday. And meanwhile further north (I think) Lake Oroville is literally having it's flood gates opened to manage the down pour.

Sure ya don't really maybe kinda wanna stay home this weekend?

And @J. PUPSTER how you doin' amongst all this?
Clever, clever!
Out of convenience sometimes posters on the forum will refer to my handle as SW. Sometimes it gets confusing. And then I realize they are referring to that other SW, Stephen Wilson.

The Sacramento Bee says that area has had just a bit over an inch 'o rain in the last 24 hrs. And that area is in a flood watch Friday night to Sunday. And meanwhile further north (I think) Lake Oroville is literally having it's flood gates opened to manage the down pour.

Sure ya don't really maybe kinda wanna stay home this weekend?

And @J. PUPSTER how you doin' amongst all this?
The Mutt's good... so far; but when the Levee breaks, mama 🙏
Fuck man, best way I know how to explain. My closet in my listening room was nice and tidy about a year ago and the past year I just been throwing music releases in willy/nilly. These are just the Hi Res stuff, stereo and surround, my RBCD's I rip and store them at my office in the City, well I rip everything, but I like to keep the Hi Res discs/disc sets in my closet.
The last couple weeks my brain has been filling up with projects, so I decided to make my closet neat again.
It is kind of sickening to see all of it, just plain overload, silly who buys all this, oh yes, you do.
Anyway, it makes perfect sense to see others on QQ sell there hard discs, especially when all is ripped.
My wife walked in while I was doing this and said "Oh My God", you need to sell this because if you go before me I'm definitely selling it.
Well, I didn't do as good a job as I thought, nothing alphabetical, not even groups of bands, maybe mostly but not all, at least it doesn't just look thrown in now.
Closet, close doors, out of mind.
Audio Researched: Augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality (VR), which creates a totally artificial environment, AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid on top of it.

:alien: Alien Research!
What is Augmented Reality (AR)?
Clever, clever!
Out of convenience sometimes posters on the forum will refer to my handle as SW. Sometimes it gets confusing. And then I realize they are referring to that other SW, Stephen Wilson.

The Sacramento Bee says that area has had just a bit over an inch 'o rain in the last 24 hrs. And that area is in a flood watch Friday night to Sunday. And meanwhile further north (I think) Lake Oroville is literally having it's flood gates opened to manage the down pour.

Sure ya don't really maybe kinda wanna stay home this weekend?

And @J. PUPSTER how you doin' amongst all this?
Only at QQ would people see "SW" and think Stephen Wilson. Anywhere else he is an obscure artist from an obscure band. Here he is mainstream.