Having worked for a retina specialist I might suggest getting a simple Amsler Grid & check it occasionally. Any change from the previous usage such as wavy lines or dark spots, see your doc right away. Fortunately your still on the young side. Keep up those ant-oxidants like Luetine and Xeanithine & wear those shades.And, because I spend a lot of time out in the sun with my work...and a lot of time driving at night....with my work....I opted for lenses that have an anti glare factor. It really helps.
I have generally been a lens junky over the decades. Luxotica kept gobbling up competitors and with an almost monopoly kept cranking up prices every year. I found another optom that uses Zeiss lenses & saved probably $300. Yes there is the Warber Parky rout but for things like this I prefer to keep things F2F & build a relationship with the doc.