Is there anyone else as pleased with the USPS as I am?
Franck Martin's album tracks to the regional hub 6 days ago, and is "in transit" to the next destination, which is roughly 100 miles.
I've had packages dumped in the driveway near the highway (about 100 yards from the house).
I've had packages dumped in the yard, when I have a sign up that says all deliveries welcome at the side door (steps, landing). I especially love this when it's raining.
Packages have been leaned against the door, so that when you open the door, the package goes tumbling down the concrete steps.
Seems like a different person delivers packages every time. I used to have a carrier for years, that utilizing common sense, would put packages in my old truck when it was raining.
What's up with delivering after dark? Can't they hire enough people? What few times I get to actually speak with a carrier they complain about being overworked. How freaking hard is it to deliver packages, I mean it's not like they are on horseback. One lady said "oh honey, you wouldn't want my job". This was right after I rebuilt my fish pond and moved about a ton of rock by myself.
I'm thinking, yeah I would have loved to have your job back in the day.
A friend in Idaho who went to the post office to complain that packages were NEVER delivered, just a notice left to go to the post office in town, was actually told by a person working at the post office that "they did not get paid to deliver packages, only mail". (which is a lie) I mean are people getting that sorry, or has the USPS just gone totally to $hit?