Simply random stuff


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There is a live street cam in Aki:
You should pick a convenient day time for you and not too inconvenient for us & be there. Wave to everyone on QQ. Or maybe do a Silly Walk across the intersection!:ROFLMAO:
Thanks for the linky Sdubya, I'm takin' a London tour bus ride 🚌
I told Mrs. Pupster- "see, we can now travel the world, all in the comfort of our living room chairs!" πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ:ROFLMAO:

Thanks for the linky Sdubya, I'm takin' a London tour bus ride 🚌
I told Mrs. Pupster- "see, we can now travel the world, all in the comfort of our living room chairs!" πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ:ROFLMAO:

That's a good one! And I like the audio too. Live webcams like this are fun to visit every now & then, allowing for time differences. One of these is the Abbey Road intersection by the recording studio:
And Google street view lets you pan around & explore close up. Another fave of mine is a live cam inside a bento store in Tokyo. At a busy time, WOW! Talk about some prime people watching!
Thankfully, it's good to know that drones are useful for more than spy missions as these gorgeous photographs attest to:

Menai Strait @dailymail/Pinterest,t$1679231251633
Here are some outlandish snow pics from our recent skiing trip to Lake Tahoe.

1) Carson Pass: Normally, you can see over that guardrail at the expanse of the valley. We were literally driving in a trench. Access to Kirkwood ski resort was closed for five days from both directions.

Carson Pass 1 copy.jpg

2) Dipper Express lift at Heavenly: It took them five days to dig out this lift. We had to ski down into that trench where those men are standing to get on the chair.

Heavenly - Dipper lift.jpg

3) Kirkwood cafeteria: The approach is from the right of the entrance. If you don't know where to find it, you may just as well never find it!

Kirkwood - cafeteria entrance copy.jpg

4) Restrooms at Kirkwood: Dialogue between my wife and me:
AR: "I thought the restrooms were near the corner of the cream colored building."
Mrs AR: "We usually ski down to it. I think it's buried."
AR: "Maybe the people on the third floor will let us climb through the window to use their toilet." ;)

Kirkwood - restrooms entrance copy.jpg

5) Finally, my favorite: the lodge at the top of Northstar:

Northstar - summit lodge 1 copy.jpg
Here are some outlandish snow pics from our recent skiing trip to Lake Tahoe.

1) Carson Pass: Normally, you can see over that guardrail at the expanse of the valley. We were literally driving in a trench. Access to Kirkwood ski resort was closed for five days from both directions.

View attachment 89857

2) Dipper Express lift at Heavenly: It took them five days to dig out this lift. We had to ski down into that trench where those men are standing to get on the chair.

View attachment 89858

3) Kirkwood cafeteria: The approach is from the right of the entrance. If you don't know where to find it, you may just as well never find it!

View attachment 89859

4) Restrooms at Kirkwood: Dialogue between my wife and me:
AR: "I thought the restrooms were near the corner of the cream colored building."
Mrs AR: "We usually ski down to it. I think it's buried."
AR: "Maybe the people on the third floor will let us climb through the window to use their toilet." ;)

View attachment 89860

5) Finally, my favorite: the lodge at the top of Northstar:

View attachment 89861

Reminds me of "The Shining".
