Simply random stuff


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Just spent a relaxing hour giving 25 LPs a thorough cleaning! About time to start spinning!
View attachment 94142
Relaxing? :coffee:

The same tree that took out my power line has now taken out my Spectrum connection. No TV , no internet, no wifi ,no home phone. Won't be fixed till next Wednesday. No Netflix or VUDU! But I do have 14 million hours of movie and music on disc & downloads to tide me over. And OTA HD TV. And cell phone internet connection. And electricity. So life is still good.
The same tree that took out my power line has now taken out my Spectrum connection. No TV , no internet, no wifi ,no home phone. Won't be fixed till next Wednesday. No Netflix or VUDU! But I do have 14 million hours of movie and music on disc & downloads to tide me over. And OTA HD TV. And cell phone internet connection. And electricity. So life is still good.
That sucks but, at least, you have alternatives.
The same tree that took out my power line has now taken out my Spectrum connection. No TV , no internet, no wifi ,no home phone. Won't be fixed till next Wednesday. No Netflix or VUDU! But I do have 14 million hours of movie and music on disc & downloads to tide me over. And OTA HD TV. And cell phone internet connection. And electricity. So life is still good.
You’re right. As long as you have electricity and running water it’s manageable.
High school (and beyond) was all about hallucinogens for Kid Clement. On a glorious summer day in 1978, a special package arrived from a friend in Los Angeles. Ten of the most surreal hours of my life. Spent about 90 minutes of that trip with something that looked very much like that deer head! True story. I could tell you more. I hope to some day! Stay Surrounded, Comrade!
High school (and beyond) was all about hallucinogens for Kid Clement. On a glorious summer day in 1978, a special package arrived from a friend in Los Angeles. Ten of the most surreal hours of my life. Spent about 90 minutes of that trip with something that looked very much like that deer head! True story. I could tell you more. I hope to some day! Stay Surrounded, Comrade!
Dud your deer have a mini-disco ball hanging of its ear?