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@Clint Eastwood is rumoured to be creating a shrine for his four Oppos, maybe join the cult and you'll get an offering?
5 Oppo's... (4 MORE) ...I do live in a city where Scientology has its learning how to start a new cult could be easy :rolleyes:
I hardly use my disc players these days. On a pc you can play pretty much anything these days if it's connected to an AVR.
But I do have 3 Oppo's, a Samsung and a Sony player. One Oppo and the Sony are mainly for ripping SACD's.
My PC is in another room because it’s noisy. Same with my NAS. My Oppo is still my primary source, as it plays all those lovely Rhino and Dutton and SDE discs (not to mention just about anything that fits). It also plays downloaded files from a Usb stick, and its interface to the NAS is just about perfect.
All this Oppo talk reminds, I need to pull the 3rd one out of the closet and plug it in. Haven't used it for a while now. It's pre-blu ray but plays everything else, even burned SACD/DVDA. Same with the old Sammy.
The old DV-970HD was my first Oppo. Only one of the three that's been out to the good folks in Menlo Park for repairs.
My very first universal player I still have, Samsung HD-841. DVI instead of HDMI.

Lots of memories with these disc players. But for me it's just easier and quicker to load an .iso file in Windows than go shuffle through all the disc racks.
My big pc has, let's see, 14 fans + 3 more cooling the HDD racks. But all the fans but 1 are Nidec AP-15's I bought years ago at some expense and are pretty quiet.
@Clint Eastwood is rumoured to be creating a shrine for his four Oppos, maybe join the cult and you'll get an offering?
5 Oppo's... (4 MORE) ...I do live in a city where Scientology has its learning how to start a new cult could be easy :rolleyes:

Now let’s get this count straight…Does it include the 205 that I bought from Clinty? If so, what are the specifications for this shrine so I can participate?
UK exit poll

I heard a rumor somewhere that @Mr. Afternoon was gonna release a new album. It's called "I Ain't Got No Time For This Stuff".
I wonder who leaked that rumour? I actually renamed it to "I Ain't Got No Time And Patience For This Stuff" to reflect the longer length of the Album.

In all seriousness, we're getting there. :) Finishing up mastering right now. 90 glorious minutes.