well, guess what I am spinning???
Yeah, I know that I am a big optimist who always says that everything is awesome cause ... IT IS!!!
And this is no exception....
Ahhh, Japanese pressings, when they are good they are Great and when they are fookin' good ..well they are fookin' awesome....
I always somehow hear ALL the space in the music when I get J pressings, maybe because somewhere in the chain they don't max out the volume like in the US pressings or other pressings...They always sound the closest to the 70-early 80s MFSL pressings.
You can feel the utmost care these people put into their work.
The best part is that this was ridiculously cheap, about 2,200 Yen (LP was 1,000Yen!!!!). And on top of that, I got a freebie bonus; the 1st DLBack Jap Pressing, so, for $20 or less I got these 2 great Jap pressings
Yes, I also got a USA Double Wally pressing which is the holy grail and it sounds great; a fuller sound, I'd say, but this one is way more detailed and nuanced.
The SACD is not bad at all, it is not brickwalled nor heavily EQ'd but I can't put my finger on what keeps it from receiving the highest rating...the transfer? a higher gen tape?
The Half Speed Mastered is ...well, a totally different animal cause it has harmonics that aren't anywhere (wrong EQ in the chain) but it still works to its favor in a freaky way...
So, yes, from now on...I know what LPs I will spend my hard earned money on...