Streaming Atmos: Do you lose any fidelity with a Tidal Atmos stream compared to a Blu-ray Atmos?


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Competition between the streaming providers will compel one of them to add the lossless Atmos as a differentiator, possibly at a higher price tier. Just like it happened with HD stereo streaming, someone would start first, others will have to follow. The pure music Atmos is relative novelty, but for new movies is now a default, so it won’t be another dying format.
From your lips to Gods Ear. I do believe your right on that, it took us how many years of bitching to get lossless 2ch streaming? Heck Spotify still says its lossless 2ch is "just around the corner" after 3 years of promise. :mad:
What a sad situation with them. :(
Atmos music is here to stay, the current releases of a large percentage of popular genre's seems to include a Atmos mix on Apple. I would hope for a more widespread release of either BD discs or downloads but that's a bit iffy.