Suggestions for Dutton Vocalion Multichannel SACD Releases


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they are GREAT!
Sure, but they licensed the album to Analogue Productions in the US for SACD in the last couple of years, so there's no reason they couldn't do the same in the UK.

And the secret sauce here isn't the format - the quad mix of Aqualung has already been issued twice in PCM on Blu-Ray and DTS DVD-V - it's in letting a gifted mastering engineer like Mike Dutton get his hands on it.

But it's a moot point unless Warner UK want to do it, which is why I suggested to @JohnN that he use his in's with the Tull camp to get the ball rolling. If Ian Anderson said to Warners that he wanted this to happen, I can't imagine they'd turn him down flat.
Our friend at Rhino is concentrating on quad titles that have never been released in digital form, and that also get the OK from the artists or their management. It's very possible it could happen, but I wouldn't expect Tull titles this year.
Our friend at Rhino is concentrating on quad titles that have never been released in digital form, and that also get the OK from the artists or their management. It's very possible it could happen, but I wouldn't expect Tull titles this year.

You guys are making me feel like I'm taking crazy pills - let me re-state it again: I have no interest in another reissue of flat transfers of the Tull quad mixes from the Warners camp, no matter if they're issued in some far-flung futuristic 768kHz/48 bit PCM.

Whether people here realise it or not, the reason the D-V SACDs - every last one of them - sound so good isn't because SACD is inherently leagues better than PCM formats, it's because of the heroic effort that Mike Dutton has put in to mastering every album. If you were going to reissue the Tull quads again, this would be the one and only reason (and a compelling one at that) to do it.
You guys are making me feel like I'm taking crazy pills - let me re-state it again: I have no interest in another reissue of flat transfers of the Tull quad mixes from the Warners camp, no matter if they're issued in some far-flung futuristic 768kHz/48 bit PCM.

Whether people here realise it or not, the reason the D-V SACDs - every last one of them - sound so good isn't because SACD is inherently leagues better than PCM formats, it's because of the heroic effort that Mike Dutton has put in to mastering every album. If you were going to reissue the Tull quads again, this would be the one and only reason (and a compelling one at that) to do it.
Always crazy, maybe. Remastered quad is fine by me.