and if anyone else want to leave, so be it. This shit is really getting me ticked off, and I have far more important things to be pissed about.
I've not heard one of these decoders in use, or played around with one. But, I did listen to the Jim Croce conversion that was released using it. And when comparing the involve decode with a QS-Final script decode of the same album, it was no contest....the script won, hands down.
Give it up Owen, QQ isn't worth it.They deserve everything they get. OK Jon, now do it.
ArmyOfQuad said:Ugh.....
Please don't let anyone think I'm backing any smear campaign, or that I wish to be involved in anything in which there are sides.
Yes, I preferred QS-Final to the involve decode that is out there, I know QS-Final II does better, but QS-FinalI is what I had access to. However, please don't let my observation of which method I felt did the better decode in one specific example be interpreted as a smear, as I only had 1 example to compare to, and I still haven't heard a comparison to vintage QS decoders.
Yes, I preferred QS-Final to the involve decode that is out there, I know QS-Final II does better, but QS-Final is what I had access to. However, please don't let my observation of which method I felt did the better decode in one specific example be interpreted as a smear, as I only had 1 example to compare to, and I still haven't heard a comparison to vintage QS decoders.
If that's the case, thanks for pointing that out. In that case, I'd like to hear better examples of the decode. I know Jon has one....perhaps now we can make an ugly thread not ugly, and have some lively discussion on different methods and fair comparisons.
Whilst I knew what was used for the involve decode on the net...I think I asked about 6-8 times what hifi gear (turntable tonearm cartridge preamp) was used for The QS computer decode scripts and generally got abused every time.