Tears for fears announcement - Songs for a Nervous Planet (live) SDE Blu-Ray with SW Atmos Mix Oct 25th, 2024


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TFF. Cobo Hall. Detroit. Sept 1985. One of my top 5 concerts ever. Not number 1, but real close. Ive got the new release ordered in Atmos and SHM

My first TFF show was the following month in Worcester, MA. Wasn't too familiar with them, only knew the hits, but the show made me a fan for life. Saw the following tour in 1990 three times. Those shows rank among the best I've ever seen by anyone. Oleta Adams was in the band. Truly special.
For me, watching concert at Home is a different experience than beeing at the show.

It would be like beeing at the show if the video producion is done from a static camera from the audience, so you see the same (or similar thing) that you see at the show.

But when the video editing production brings you lots of close shots, to see how musicians are performing, then it is a different thing.

Beeing a different thing, then why not 'hearing' it in a different way, like Dolby Atmos discrete mix with ping-pongs sounds and pannings like from the studio recordings.

The needed 'connection' to the show has to be good sound production and beeing in sync with the video.

If you feel that's not realistc, or you don't like that the sounds locations does not correspond with the musicians locations at screen, then you can switch to stereo, that would be perhaps more similar to the sound at the live show.
Agree with everything you say.
And don't forget, when you're at home, sitting in your comfy chair, in your dressing gown, playing the music, well, that ain't even remotely close to tricking me I'm in some kind of concert experience. So bring on the exciting surround experience. :D:pšŸ˜