The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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winning those games that are decided by less than 3 points in the last few minutes of the game.
You would be a good 49er fan as it seems like every single game, we never really know who is going to win until it's over.
In the 1980's, I was a season ticket holder at Candlestick 1979-2005, it seemed we would blow people out by half time or be blown out by another team. I long for those days of knowing we have the win by half time, but you are right Bill, it is razor thin and luck between all teams.
Now a season ticket holder at Levi's, my 5th year, we never get to relax, always close. Yelling for 3 hours is quite a workout.
This Sunday if you are not a fan of Niners/Eagles just tune in at the 4th quarter and will be a dog fight.
Funny thing, my wife is from Philly and her entire family still lives in Philly, we don't hold back, I hate the Eagles and they hate the Niners, the last 3 years. Before that things where easier.
3 years ago, went to Niners at Eagles, 10 of my wife's family, when it was an earlier warm summer game and Niners won, drunk girls sitting in front of us, long story.
Got ugly in Parking Lot after game.
Last year, Niners at Eagles, NFC Championship, you know the story, glad I didn't go.
This Sunday, not going, staying home, too expensive, even though we stay with family, and way too many emotions with family.
its early and a lot can happen but I see the cream rising to the top
Baltomore and KC
SanFran and Philly
Funny, I don't feel like the Ravens are the cream (yet). Our offense is not a well oiled machine. Too many weeks it seems like we only play 45 minutes of the 60 minute game. There is never a week where we play and I say "We got this. Bet the farm on the Ravens this week".

Perhaps a lot teams' could say the same but, if the Ravens ever played up to their potential consistently, they would be scary good.
You would be a good 49er fan as it seems like every single game, we never really know who is going to win until it's over.
That is pretty much the Ravens' MO. You just don't get to watch them enough to see how many games go right down to the end. Even when we jump out to a huge lead in the first quarter, it seems like we just jerk off until it gets close again. Also, when we do win by a couple of scores, the final score doesn't reflect how close the game was through three quarters.
I'll take the 9 and 3 record but I'll be damned if I think we are "the team to beat"..

BTW, I think Pitt is the real poster boy for squeaking by with little to no offense and winning tight games this year (and last as well).
A regional grocery store chain called Hyvee has a Chiefs promotional tie in. IF the Chiefs win, spend their points in dollars at the store & get that amount off in pennies for gas at their stores. So, Chiefs won with 31 points, spend at least $31 at the store (that will be easy) and get 31 cents off per gallon. Another reason we like the Chiefs to win!!
Most years that's the difference between a good season and a bad season, winning those games that are decided by less than 3 points in the last few minutes of the game. For most teams the margin between a winning season and a losing season is razor thin. It's more arbitrary than most of us want to believe.
So true...look at Minnesota last year, 13-4 ? regular season record. Then 1 & out in the playoffs. I believe they set a record with one score difference wins.

AR quote- "Despite the Bills ongoing problems with penalties, Allen turnovers, whatever, the defense has not come through at the end. OK, yes they have lost to some future Hall Of Fame GOAT candidates such as Zach Wilson and Mac Jones: 🤪"
AR, I love your sarcasm regarding the hof qbs who beat them😂.
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@cbmmm3 Ricky, your Lions owe Da Bears big time for pulling this one out. It's given them more breathing room between the Vikes. NFC North Championship here it comes...

@cbmmm3 Ricky, your Lions owe Da Bears big time for pulling this one out. It's given them more breathing room between the Vikes. NFC North Championship here it comes...

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Im still pissed at the Lions due to the TurkeyDay debacle. And - lets face it - they have sucked and been lucky to win the last 2 games that they did win.
It may be time to take your advice AR and mix up a fresh batch of HonBluKool as the buzz seems to have worn off

PLUS !! dammit - I had to give my nephew ( huge Bears fan ) 6 points in the Lions Bears game. We won by five. Freaking A

There. Im done venting. thanks Bears