The SDE Surround Sound Series (Updated list of titles with links in post #1)


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Postman delivered this morning, signed and with slip cover.


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With some free time and the house to myself today, I finally played the O’Sullivan, Shakespears Sister and Eno discs.

Eno was first. I have a lot of his ambient music and there’s a part of me that wishes this release was sans-vocal, but I understand the goal with this one. As an Atmos mix, I like it. I don’t know if, because of the vocals, I’ll return to it much. Often, when I’m listening to music with vocals, I’m looking for something a little more upbeat. But it’s only the first listen, so we’ll see.

Going from Eno to Shakespears Sister was a bit of musical whiplash. This is one I didn’t think I’d enjoy much. Just not my style of music back then. But I’m more open these days and wanted to support the SDE releases. Surprisingly (to me) I enjoyed the songs. Didn’t initially think the Atmos was anything to write home about. Felt like an excellent 5.1. But then I started hearing things that took advantage of the rears. I’ll have to pay more attention next time.

I’ve never owned an O’Sullivan disc. I think, of the three, this was my favorite. Enjoyable songs, a nice Atmos mix, and nice, high-quality photos for each song.

I’ve bought each of the SDE releases and haven’t been disappointed. So far, TFF has been my favorite with xPropaganda (another one I originally thought I wouldn’t care much for) coming in second.
Thirded. The reason why I didn't buy it, I try to be selective what the actual music on the disc is, rather that just because it's surround.
I actually like Eno's vocal work more than his ambient stuff, on balance, so I feel like this record is a great compromise. But in addition to his 70s albums, I'd love to hear Drums Between the Bells, Everything That Happens Will Happen Today (with David Byrne), Another Day On Earth, and The Ship remixed for Atmos, in that order. I don't expect SDE to grant my wishes on that score, though....
For me, the Eno one is my favourite so far, with xPropaganda coming in second. Two albums that I feel are both strong musically as well as in their mix.
There is much to admire in all the SDE BD~A ATMOS releases thus far. Even LOVED Shakespeare's Sister ..... some memorable ear worms in fact.

But if they could relese A~HA's Hunting High and Low and include some of the iconic videos so popularized on MTV, that would be a real coup for SDE and fans alike.

a ha hunting high and low video in 4K you tube
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There is much to admire in all the SDE BD~A ATMOS releases thus far. Even LOVED Shakespeare's Sister ..... some memorable ear worms in fact.

But if they could relese A~HA's Hunting High and Low and include some of the iconic videos so popularized on MTV, that would be a real coup for SDE and fans alike.

a ha hunting high and low video in 4K you tube

sadly Warner's not interested in an SDE collaboration at this time, Ralphie 😭
wouldn't the inclusion of videos remove the ability to market the releases as Pure Audio? I thought that was part of the marketing specs.
Does anyone not have a Tears for Fears slipcase who wants one? I was never able to get that SDE release, and they sent a slipcase for it with my Shakespeare's Sister order. I would love it to go to a deserving home. DM me.

Aside, it was very kind for them to send that along with my order.
Does anyone not have a Tears for Fears slipcase who wants one? I was never able to get that SDE release, and they sent a slipcase for it with my Shakespeare's Sister order. I would love it to go to a deserving home. DM me.

Aside, it was very kind for them to send that along with my order.
Yes please. If you still have it, let me know and we can discuss arrangements.