Was Jefferson Airplane’s Volunteers ever released as a digital Quad disc?


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Since 2002/2003
Jul 24, 2003
I seem to remember listening to it but cannot find it in my collection. Maybe my mind is playing tricks.
I do have this in my collection but haven't played it in years


AFAIK, it's still on the RCA label now owned by SONY and would make a GREAT Dutton Vocalion QUAD SACD release!
I do have this in my collection but haven't played it in years


AFAIK, it's still on the RCA label now owned by SONY and would make a GREAT Dutton Vocalion QUAD SACD release!
IIRC, all of the Airplane albums had a kind of mushy sound to them. Heck, even JS's Red Octopus has a 'mushiness' to it, but it comes across great on the Quadio.
Years ago I read that the stereo master tapes for Red Octopus were in bad shape even before the first CD was issued, hence the much better sound from the Quadraphonic release. I don't remember the specifics, but JA had some problems with Volunteer's 16 track tape recording that resulted in the rather dull and congested audio that so many have complained about.

There are also some big differences between the Stereo and Quad mixes of Volunteers, alternate lead vocal and guitar lines on some songs.
Amazing how great Surrealistic Pillow sounds
Especially compared to 1967, when I was listening in my bedroom on a portable mono "record player."

While perusing "San Francisco ballroom porn" to stimulate my adolescent brain, from the weekly photo feature magazines everybody and their grandma subscribed to.

LOOK magazine, May 30, 1967:


I seem to remember listening to it but cannot find it in my collection. Maybe my mind is playing tricks.

Well , the answer to your question, if your still wondering, is:

' No it has never had a digital release'.

But perhaps Dutton Vocalion can release it on quad sacd.
Or maybe even Sony Japan can release it on a 7 inch SACD , now that Sony owns the RCA quad album masters.