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Hello everyone
After several years of following this forum and looking at the surround polls
Which reallly helped me to make choices what to buy.
It is time to join up.

I currently run an 5.1 system but will expand to dolby atmos very soon ( looking for an extra amplifier as we speak)
My system;
Arcam avr390 with B&W 705 S3 and HTM71 S3 center
Arcam muso as surround and atmos speakers
Hello everyone
After several years of following this forum and looking at the surround polls
Which reallly helped me to make choices what to buy.
It is time to join up.

I currently run an 5.1 system but will expand to dolby atmos very soon ( looking for an extra amplifier as we speak)
My system;
Arcam avr390 with B&W 705 S3 and HTM71 S3 center
Arcam muso as surround and atmos speakers
Welcome, Peter!
Hi All, I found this forum whilst looking around for ways to preserve Atmos while converting to EAC3 - Now that Apple TV and Mac support EAC3 passthrough with Atmos. Hopefully they will eventually passthrough MLP, but that seems unlikely given the lack of BD support. I love collecting the SDE releases with Atmos and they certainly seem to be releasing a lot of my favorites at once. I like to have physical media, but I like the convenience of being able to play anywhere without a disc. I recently used the Plex tools to make a 7.1 EAC3 but I'm not convinced it preserved enough of the mix of the original. Previously I have collected quite a few SACDs which I originally would play back on my modded Korg MR2. I currently subscribe to Roon and Qobuz but this may be the last year I do that. Roon has not embraced Atmos music and I really find immersive audio more enjoyable than "Hi Def". I definitely went through a phase where I was very into HD audio - I found it easier to pick out lyrics on my Chord Mojo(2) Poly (which took over from the MR2) and extended that "I can make out the lyrics" experience to regular CD Audio. I used to poo-poo Bluetooth headphones until I got Apple's AirPods Pro and they give me a very comparable experience as far as music enjoyment is concerned and open up Spatial Audio on the go.

I suppose the only thing I haven't mentioned yet is my living room gear, I have my Mac Mini connected to the Chord Mojo as well as via HDMI to my Onkyo TX-RZ11000 in 5.1.4 with a full set of Pioneer Andrew Jones speakers (tall Stereo, bookshelf surrounds) and an Energy sub which has never underperformed such that I want to replace it. I have a Sony BD/SACD player (I think we all know why) and I have a couple of 90's vintage Desktop MIDI devices - Yamaha MU2000EX and Roland Integra 7.

As far as music goes, I enjoy having background music, so the MIDI can really scratch that itch and with the Integra I can create a 5.1 mix. As far as genres go, Jazz, Prog Rock, Classical, 80s Pop, Ska, Funk, Punk, Ambient, and EDM if I'm in the right mood.

This has been a long post, so thanks for reading this far, I look forward to joining the discussion.

Hello all!

I've been browsing these forums off and on since I found it a few months ago while looking for surround mixes for my favourite albums. Thanks to everyone here it's been extremely easy to figure out what to look for, and I've even been put on to some music I otherwise wouldn't have found. So thanks very much to everyone participating in the polls, and writing thoughtful reviews. You've all been a great help. And I'm happy to be finally making an account to participate too :)

Admittedly I'm here for a bit of a selfish reason as well, which is that I'm looking for other music producers and the like to learn from and share mixes with in regards to 5.1 and quad. If anyone see's this and knows where some threads might be on mastering and engineering 5.1 mixes I'd love to read all of them haha.
Hi All,
I've been lurking as a casual reading of this forum for a few years now. I got into Surround Music, in a roundabout way. I got into watching song breakdowns (eg. Rick Beato on YouTube), where the song featured is normally analysed with the multitrack source or stems. I especially enjoy the isolation of particular instrument or vocal performances from these multitracks.
When I discovered that albums had been remixed into 5.1 for over 2 decades, I started to acquire whatever I could. These now includes a collection of albums using the variation iterations of DTS and Dolby technologies, 5.1, 4.0, Object based.
By and large, the surround/spatial mixes enhance elements of the recorded performance that were less easy to appreciate in a stereo mix. The more channels, the better!
I have a Dolby Atmos 5.1 set up now, though I'd like to upgrade my AVR and speaker setup to include heights.
Cheers Jas
Hey everyone! Had my home theater/listening room for about a year now, so I'm a relatively new enthusiast in an old body. I can remember back in the day, hooking up my Nintendo to my home stereo (in the late 80s), how awesome it sounded compared to the crappy TV speaker! Hooking up the VCR to a good stereo in the 90s was next. I started collecting CDs in the 90s as well, and still have them all to this day. One of them was Zaireeka, by the Flaming Lips. It was actually four CDs that played different parts of the albums. Used home computer speakers, a boombox, and my stereo to play different combinations of them. This was my first surround sound experience. In the 2000s, I had a crappy big-box store 5.1 system in my little apartment, which I thought was so cool! Fast forward 20 years, after marriage/kids/divorce, and I am now the proud owner of a 7.2.6 home theater. Originally it was 7.2.4, but I recently upgraded this past summer. Nothing as fancy as the awesome ones I see in some Facebook groups, but I'm super happy with it! Been trying to learn how to use REW for calibrations/EQs. And I also recently bought some blu ray audio discs to get the full experience from my system. Lurked for awhile, and figured I might as well register and say howdy! Thanks for everything y'all do to keep surround music alive and strong!! Really appreciate all y'alls passion and expertise!
Hi everybody. New member here. I think I'm on the right thread. Here goes.username, braveUlysees. A homage to the Cream song,it's a great name. Plus it's also my favourite poem(the Tennyson one). Pretentious?
Moi? So, I'll be on these forums looking for advice on 5.1( hopefully atmos soon) and any guidance users can offer on ripping my prized Genesis surround discs to a permanent 5.1 home. Also the recent surround explorations of Steven Wilson. It's a worthy cause too. When I saw luminaries like Ken Scot posting his thoughts on The Ziggy Stardust atmos mix U knew I needed to be more active on here. So,
I'll ll donate when I can . My setup currently is pretty basic. Monitor Audio Mass speakers, stands,sub and an aging Marantz NR 1403. Qed micro cable. Sounds great to me but any advice/ directions on improving this set up always welcome . I think that's all for now. Incidentally,, I ended up here after reading the stellar reception that Airs Moon safari and 10,00hz Legend received here. I think that's quite enough for now though. So,I'll talk with you all later
Hi everyone,
I came across the forum through a Google search. I think the "2024 SURROUND RELEASES" page is great. It really helps you not to miss any more surround releases. My favorite surround releases include Paul Young No Parlez SDE Surround Series and Pink Floyd Animals 2018 Remix Box. But of course there are countless others. My system consists of:
Denon AVR-X4200W
Piega Premium 5.2 Front LS + Middle
Elac Surround LS
Oppo BPD-103D
JVC Exofield Headphone
Sony 4K Player
Denon DP-300F with Nagaoka MP-110
Pioneer PL-570 with Denon DL-160
Intel NUC i5 with HDMI
My old ELAC front speakers EL135 are in the basement. They weren't suitable for women's living rooms ;-)
Certainly not 100% perfect but works great.
I live in Germany in the Karlsruhe/Stuttgart region near the Black Forest.