I think we're saying the same thing, at least kind of, regarding Santana Festival. I'm underwhelmed by it as a Quad mix, and even less so about Amigos. To me, both albums are great musically. Yes, some folks don't like Amigos musically.
I bought every Santana Quad (and later 5.1) when they were new releases: Abraxas, III, Live w/Buddy Miles, Caravanserai, Love, Devotion w/McLaughlin, Welcome, Greatest, 1st (issued in Quad in '74 - finally), Illuminations w/Coltrane, Borboletta, Lotus, Amigos & Festival. A SQ or Q8 were my first copy for nine of them. They all knocked me out musically and mix-wise EXCEPT the last two for mixes. Although far from bad, Illuminations didn't wow me musically.
Oh, yes, I bought EVERY Santana solo or group record within days of their release. It all started a few weeks after Woodstock when I was in Korvettes and they were playing their first. I've been hooked ever since. I've seen Carlos live at least 10 times.
Today, I would rank III as my favorite. Welcome might be my second favorite. Both GREAT mixes.
1st US pressings of Welcome have an OBI-like strip over the top w/song titles Santana & SQ Quadraphonic printed in gold., white "welcome" script embossed on a white cover, and a WHITE Quad label on the record itself, rather than a gold label w/ black print. The Welcome Q8 does change track in the middle of a song, which kind of spoils the experience.
If you dig Santana, you need to get his proteges' album Azteca in Quad. A 16 piece outfit. A spectacular Quad mix, which I've had on SQ & Q8. One of those albums that may not impress you musically at first, but will get under your skin. It's one of my most favorite albums, Quad or otherwise.
It's cool to finally get to see some of those CBS SQ UK discs.And interesting to see EMI pressed VANGUARD discs.
In Canada we could get a lot of imports but when it came to those 2 labels, Columbia records were pressed in Canada by COLUMBIA RECORDS CANADA in dual inventory SQ discs.They stopped dual inventory quads though, and two of the last SQ 's pressed here I remember were PINK FLOYD'S-WYWH (in clear shrink wrap with sq/quad emblem on the robotic hand sticker), and JEFF BECK-BLOW BY BLOW.
The BLOW BY BLOW also had some f-ups, whereby stereo discs were inserted in error in the Canadian sleeves.
The WYWH is now a rarity, my guess is they imported U.S. copies in greater numbers as (well in my city anyway) it's not as common or was not as common as the U.S. copy.
FWIW Santana Festival may not be great quad, but if you like the band/music and I do, I would not dismiss it.It's not fake quad, it's quad alright no doubt about it.They had better quad mixes of course, and it won't "blow your skirt up", but I would recommend it to any quad fan.