What's the Latest DISCRETE Quad LP Added to Your Pile? CD-4, UD-4


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Is that the album with "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald" on it?

Dunno Duncan.. but if it doesn't demodulate properly it'll probably bring about the wreck of Fredgar Blue! Chortle :D

edit: doesn't appear to have that one but it does have something called Rainbow Trout which does sound rather appetising.. it's probably a ballad about catching a fish that looks like his old girlfriend or something folky but slightly offbeat like that.. maybe!? :eek:
ah there seems to be quite a few of copies at any one time of most popular CD-4 things to go round.. there's one or two exceptions where copies come up less frequently for ok money (Paranoid & One Of These Nights so far among them) but in the main he shouldn't have any problem, I think.. I mean, I'm tracking down a lot of this stuff with relatively little hassle in the UK & Europe where little of it originated, so Gene should find it even easier in the States from whence many of these discs came! :)

Adam, I was jesting. Surely there are enough discrete and matrixed quads to go around and who knows......with the resurgence of vinyl and the 'exciting' news that The Surround Master's gurus are working on a CD~4 demodulator (that WORKS), we might be treated to High Quality tickless, popless, non~swishy 180~200 GRAM DISCRETE vinyl in the NEAR future. Heck, even I might be tempted!

Fingers crossed the CD~4 demodulator of your dreams transpires!:banana:
Adam, I was jesting. Surely there are enough discrete and matrixed quads to go around and who knows......with the resurgence of vinyl and the 'exciting' news that The Surround Master's gurus are working on a CD~4 demodulator (that WORKS), we might be treated to High Quality tickless, popless, non~swishy 180~200 GRAM DISCRETE vinyl in the NEAR future. Heck, even I might be tempted!

Fingers crossed the CD~4 demodulator of your dreams transpires!:banana:

oh you're as bad as me larking around so! one day we will just have to get serious you know! ;)
(I kinda was being vaguely factual, well, anecdotal, in as much as I've found a number of SQ & QS things much harder to track down than CD-4.. maybe its the artists and albums IDK, not sure.. but if Involve do a CD-4 Surround Master I suspect CD-4 discs will suddenly become harder to find in decent condition.. I can't see any new Quad vinyl appearing anytime soon.. but stranger things have happened, just look at all the crazy shit that's gone on this year! :eek: )
"Clap for the Wolfman", a forgotten hit, but a terrific quad mix. Worth whatever you paid for the album and possibly more.
"You thought they were diggin' you but they were diggin' me!"

it was €12 euros (roughly a tenner, plus shipping) so not the cheapest CD-4 so far but not the most expensive! :eek: v. excited to try demodding it with such ringing endorsement! hopefully will get around to it at the weekend (and hopefully it will work out ok! fingers crossed!)
Adam, I was jesting. Surely there are enough discrete and matrixed quads to go around and who knows......with the resurgence of vinyl and the 'exciting' news that The Surround Master's gurus are working on a CD~4 demodulator (that WORKS), we might be treated to High Quality tickless, popless, non~swishy 180~200 GRAM DISCRETE vinyl in the NEAR future. Heck, even I might be tempted!

Fingers crossed the CD~4 demodulator of your dreams transpires!:banana:

New Discrete CD-4 discs on high grade vinyl ?

Na, I doubt it.

[ But if they found some original "metal masters" ?]
Good catch Freddie !

I just hope it's a "European pressing "cause my copy sounded like steel wool crackling on a washboard and yes the band do use a washboard.

hey Derek just wanted to give you a quick update, nothing earth shattering to report though, I think its just the regular U.S. pressing with a Euro import sticker on it?

anyway it seems ok, no crackles or sandpaper or any of that (there is some washboard but I think its intentional..?! haha.. ;D ) shame I can't stick the bloke's voice on it cos I quite like it musically and the mix isn't half bad.. ah well, 2 out of 3 and all that ;)
hey Derek just wanted to give you a quick update, nothing earth shattering to report though, I think its just the regular U.S. pressing with a Euro import sticker on it?

anyway it seems ok, no crackles or sandpaper or any of that (there is some washboard but I think its intentional..?! haha.. ;D ) shame I can't stick the bloke's voice on it cos I quite like it musically and the mix isn't half bad.. ah well, 2 out of 3 and all that ;)

Sounds good then.:sun You lucked out, good buddy ! It's a Jim Dandy then.:couch

Now we need A.F. to release Black Oak Arkansas-"Street Party" !! A mixed quad unreleased for some goofy reason. And like Billy Cobham's- Spectrum ........"STREET PARTY " was listed as CD-4 disc in both W.E.A 'S And JVC'S promo literature.
(so what's the hold up ?):rolleyes:
Sounds good then.:sun You lucked out, good buddy ! It's a Jim Dandy then.:couch

Now we need A.F. to release Black Oak Arkansas-"Street Party" !! A mixed quad unreleased for some goofy reason. And like Billy Cobham's- Spectrum ........"STREET PARTY " was listed as CD-4 disc in both W.E.A 'S And JVC'S promo literature.
(so what's the hold up ?):rolleyes:

Think I was overdue some CD-4 luck.. ;) though to be fair it's the RCA's the most consistently sandpapery problematic.. it's almost like the 30khz signal is more muted than with say Warner pressings.. if that's possible/how it works? since turning up the 30k from between 3-4 (which is where the setup disc stops distorting) to around 6-7 (which breaks up with the setup disc) the RCA sandpaper goes but separation goes out the window. I'm going to try a different demodulator in the new year when a Euro voltage one comes up for OK money, if the replacement works ok the JVCs go out the window along with the sandpaper! :D

anyway.. enough of all that.. absolutely let's have a QuadraphonicQuad street party! (mind you, is that bloke still singing that's on the live black Arkansas? his voice don't half get on my tits!) We must keep the faith! AF managed to get Spectrum out 40-something years later.. so anything is possible! I love a party! Even one in the street! Especially one in the street! :party
Think I was overdue some CD-4 luck.. ;) though to be fair it's the RCA's the most consistently sandpapery problematic.. it's almost like the 30khz signal is more muted than with say Warner pressings.. if that's possible/how it works? since turning up the 30k from between 3-4 (which is where the setup disc stops distorting) to around 6-7 (which breaks up with the setup disc) the RCA sandpaper goes but separation goes out the window. I'm going to try a different demodulator in the new year when a Euro voltage one comes up for OK money, if the replacement works ok the JVCs go out the window along with the sandpaper! :D

anyway.. enough of all that.. absolutely let's have a QuadraphonicQuad street party! (mind you, is that bloke still singing that's on the live black Arkansas? his voice don't half get on my tits!) We must keep the faith! AF managed to get Spectrum out 40-something years later.. so anything is possible! I love a party! Even one in the street! Especially one in the street! :party

Not sure whether Jim Dandy is still alive and kickin', freddio.

He's got one hell of a growl though. Would be aces to see that STREET PARTY :party Quad disc appear.He'sda the America's answer to Alex Harvey, me thinks.

Hope you get a better demodulator this time around. Wishing you lot's a luck.(y)

-El Fizzo :beer2
Not sure whether Jim Dandy is still alive and kickin', freddio.

He's got one hell of a growl though. Would be aces to see that STREET PARTY :party Quad disc appear.He'sda the America's answer to Alex Harvey, me thinks.

Hope you get a better demodulator this time around. Wishing you lot's a luck.(y)

-El Fizzo :beer2

he's still alive from the looks of it.. it might be a growl that grows on me (right now he's just annoying! its like I want to clear his throat for him - not by punching him in it or anything :yikes just sounds like he needs a lozenge I guess.. for the most part of that Live Quad he sounds unpleasantly hoarse and might benefit from a hot honey and lemon drink! :chill: ) thanks FW, I hope I find one too, I've promised myself it if it hasn't happened by this time next year that I've got CD-4 demodulating licked I'm gonna give it up as a bad lot :)
he's still alive from the looks of it.. it might be a growl that grows on me (right now he's just annoying! its like I want to clear his throat for him - not by punching him in it or anything :yikes just sounds like he needs a lozenge I guess.. for the most part of that Live Quad he sounds unpleasantly hoarse and might benefit from a hot honey and lemon drink! :chill: ) thanks FW, I hope I find one too, I've promised myself it if it hasn't happened by this time next year that I've got CD-4 demodulating licked I'm gonna give it up as a bad lot :)


You wouldn't be a cynic for giving up on CD-4 by any measure. Afterall most of us olde quaddies said enough of that nonsense when dtscd appearred and well.....the rest is history.

fizzzled-in -frost