4 New Quadio releases coming in June!


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Speaking solely for myself, I probably wouldn't have bought the J. Geils outside of the bundle but now I'm kinda curious to hear it. Same thing for Starship although IMHO they were best when they were still Airplane.
Seems like J.Geils is generating the least amount of excitement out of these four.
Which is understandable. They, and this album in particular, aren’t quite as well known as the other three.
Yet for me it’s neck & neck with Sabbath as the most desirable of the bunch.
BDB I have on DVDA, Audio Fidelity (and pretty sure I have the basic CD too) so this will be my 4th copy.
Starship I have on DCC Gold which is all I need, despite it being stereo only.
Looking forward to all of them regardless.
A very nice inclusion of a “star plug” from their Twitter page at the end of the article. Of course, I don’t know if he wrote it himself, but still... a nice mention.

GREAT plug, Blackwood. FINALLY, the word is getting out. Glad to hear those 50 year old master QUAD tapes were in 'pristine' condition and that no additional 'tweaking' was necessary!

At least WEA, unlike some of the majors, took extra special care of their master tapes!
There are only so many quad recordings out there that Rhino can make available and all of these recordings are from way back. I hope Rhino isn't worried about picking a "dud". C'mon, this is the Quadio program! We need as many of the classic quad albums that we can get. Foraging Rhino please bring on all the David Gates, Seals and Crofts, James Taylors, Joni Mitchells, Carly Simons, Randy Newmans, Gordon Lightfoots, and Eagles etc. I have a collection of old stereo review mags and most of these albums got great reviews back then. Good music is good music in any era.
I'll buy Quadios of all those artists!
There’s an unreleased J. Geils Band Quad:
J. Geils Band - Bloodshot
that should be released. Perhaps The J. Geils Band might receive reconsideration after getting into the vibe, when you consider the context from which they come from. Like watching a rediscovered film Noir movie.

Some of the the Frank Sinatra Quads are worth considering. I also agree either individually or as a box set, the Carly Simon Quads are an obvious choice. She also has an unreleased Quad: Carly Simon - Another Passenger

We all definitely want unreleased Quad titles, especially if it’s a famous title/artist. I wonder if any Rod Stewart Quad titles exist?
Old Quad Guy, more excellent blues rock from a band with a sense of humor and who can rock the house when you're in the mood for it?! Wait...and you say one of the guys also plays a mean harmonica when they kick it into warp drive? I would certainly buy "Bloodshot" on (digital) physical media the 2nd time around if the version's MCH...no hesitation at all. Whether or not many others would buy such a release I can't say. I'll have to leave that up to those who must make those difficult decisions...the Rhino's, the Dutton Vocalion's, etc. of the world.
I second the idea of including multiple quad albums from the same artist on a single Blu-ray (mostly) audio disc, Carly Simon (for example).

I bought the J Geils/Nightmares CD-4 in 1975-01 from the Musicland quad LP section due to the cool looking cover, it was my first J Geils album, I've searched for the CD from time to time.

Kirk Bayne
I bought the J Geils/Nightmares CD-4 in 1975-01 from the Musicland quad LP section due to the cool looking cover, it was my first J Geils album, I've searched for the CD from time to time.

Kirk Bayne
Wow. I did not know the CD was out of print. That makes this Quadio disc the only game in town and an even better value.
J. Geils - I don't know if the CD is currently available, I can make myself a DVD-R (and probably a CD-R too) from my CD-4 disc (stereo part of course - which is what I'm used to hearing - heard it in quad 1 time).

Kirk Bayne
I second the idea of including multiple quad albums from the same artist on a single Blu-ray (mostly) audio disc, Carly Simon (for example).

I bought the J Geils/Nightmares CD-4 in 1975-01 from the Musicland quad LP section due to the cool looking cover, it was my first J Geils album, I've searched for the CD from time to time.

Kirk Bayne
I bought LPs at Musicland in the mall, got my quad Wish You Were Here SQ LP there. Kind of sad that so much time has passed.

But in this time that has passed we now have got our quad favorites playing back in real discreet four-channel like we’d never even dreamed of in 1976.
J. Geils - I don't know if the CD is currently available, I can make myself a DVD-R (and probably a CD-R too) from my CD-4 disc (stereo part of course - which is what I'm used to hearing - heard it in quad 1 time).

Kirk Bayne
I actually like CD-4 (and SQ) LPs transferred to digital in stereo. The mix variations are cool, and separation can be interesting and intense. For a rare and out of print album all the better.
Jon Rhino just needs to advertise the first Gates solo as a lost prog masterpiece and emphasize the suite on it.
Speaking as someone who likes Bread but neglected to pick up the AF Bread SACD I would get this especially if it came as a two fer.
And then just slip it into a bundle, sort of like the wild card in the bunch, price it in a way that makes it an easier decision. That feels to me like the way to do it. It may take more time to move them, but I'll bet it would work okay.
I just got two shipping notices, one disc each. OK.

Well, maybe the four are included in each package, but the shipping just says 1 disc J Geils on one order, and 1 Black Sabbath on the other.
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