4 New Quadio releases coming in June!


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I just got two shipping notices, one disc each. OK.

Well, maybe the four are included in each package, but the shipping just says 1 disc J Geils on one order, and 1 Black Sabbath on the other.
I also got two shipping notices. One was for "Paranoid", the other for the other three, all expected to arrive the same time.
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Just woke up to a shipping notice email. I did order early Friday morning so I was probably pretty high up in the queue but hopefully that means that they're working on getting all the orders out the door.
Shipping notice here as well!! ..they seem to be sending them out seperately (at least to me)..2 different tracking numbers..one for Black Sabbath and one for J Geils
Good News, STEPAN!
Your order is on the way.​
Perhaps all of the Paranoid blu-rays are being shipped independently to @GOS ,The Sabbath Master, for his personal inspection and final approval. ;)
I got 2 shipping emails, Paranoid is by itself on one, so consistent with the rest of you.
I've kept quiet on my own choices for future releases, and apparently the next are already baked in :)

At some point, I'd love to see the 2 Gordon Lightroom albums released.

#1 - they were 2 of my favorites on CD-4. Quad separation and discrete positioning of instruments was really good!

#2 - I've had a hell of a time getting decent CD-4 LP's of each one. I bought them brand new back when they were released and even brand new, both pressings were on the noisy side. And then I proceeded to ruin both by spraying an antistatic solution on them which eventually created pits on the surfaces, rendering them near useless for playback even in stereo. Over many yrs, I've bought about a dozen copies of each off Ebay and all were in bad shape, not worth a dam for CD-4. Finally secured a copy of Sundown from a great seller that was in really good shape and played good in CD-4. Cold on the Shoulder not as good but playable, if noisy.

#3 - Gordo's songs are timeless music. From the title song to Watchman's Gone, to Seven Island Suite, the album Sundown really deserves a Quadio release.

#4 - Gordon Lightfoot's recent passing. A fitting time to release these, a tribute to a great songwriter & musician. A talented man whose ballads touched many and were covered by many. My wife & I saw him in concert once many years ago in a venue that was a rotating stage in the round so that the audience was really close. Wonderful performance.

Need I say more?

If not this time around, Rhino please get these on the Quadio list. Maybe won't be the sellers as Sabbath but darn, they deserve it.
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At some point, I'd love to see the 2 Gordon Lightroom albums released.
Agree that would be fantastic.

CD-4 can be problematical, still some here swear by itI I now have my system tweaked to play CD-4 decently but even then playback suffers from higher distortion and rolled off frequency response especially when compared with stereo and matrix. Rhino rerelease would be welcome!
Now that you bring it up, wasn't "Switched On Bach" released in quad at one point in time? I'd be down for that.

Yup, Columbia SQ LP, possibly even 4 ch tape. Bought the SQ LP back in the day, way back then :)

My original LP is pristine shape with excellent quad using the Audionics Space & Image Composer SQ decoder. I haven't gotten around to playing it with my Involve SurroundMaster v3. But, yeah, an excellent quad title for sure.

Since Columbia, Sony would be the one unless Rhino (or D-V) managed to pick up the rights. Would be a good candidate for Sony Japan's quad SACD program.
#2 - I've had a hell of a time getting decent CD-4 LP's of each one. I bought them brand new back when they were released and even brand new, both pressings were on the noisy side. And then I proceeded to ruin both by spraying an antistatic solution on them which eventually created pits on the surfaces, rendering them near useless for playback even in stereo. Over many yrs, I've bought about a dozen copies of each off Ebay and all were in bad shape, not worth a dam for CD-4. Finally secured a copy of Sundown from a great seller that was in really good shape and played good in CD-4. Cold on the Shoulder not as good but playable, if noisy.

I can see that you are even more desperate and pissed off about the CD-4 debacle than me, but I had never heard about antistatic fluids (OK, VOCs would definitely do them in) ruining the playback of these discs. I'm still trying to figure out which is the more devious invention of the devil...CD-4 or golf.

It will be a travesty if both Gordon Lightfoot quads never see the light of day on blu-ray.
Two Rhino shipping notices for me too one for Paranoid the other for JGeils. So where are the other two discs I bought as part of the bundle?
And why is Rhino sending out each disc separately? Pretty wasteful.
I can see that you are even more desperate and pissed off about the CD-4 debacle than me, but I had never heard about antistatic fluids (OK, VOCs would definitely do them in) ruining the playback of these discs. I'm still trying to figure out which is the more devious invention of the devil...CD-4 or golf.

It will be a travesty if both Gordon Lightfoot quads never see the light of day on blu-ray.


I go back to the early 70's with CD-4. First with a Harmon Kardon outboard demodulator bolted onto a H-K 150+ SQ (barely) receiver, then on to the Sansui QRX9001.

My "love" with CD4 is more like love-hate. When the LP is a good pressing, new or mint, not been played with an elliptical stylus or otherwise abused, kept immaculately clean (I used Discwasher liquid and brush), then it usually, but not always, had glorious playback. Sometimes, brand new LP's didn't play "perfectly" with noise.

Finding used CD-4 LPs in good shape on Ebay is an exercise in: door #1 - total waste of money, door #2 - feeling that at least it plays if noisy, door #3 - getting awfully lucky in which case you thank the CD-4 gods for taking pity on you that day.

I've learned 1) not to take Ebay seller descriptions at face value and 2) only look at mint or no less than near-mint. Anything other than new, still sealed, mint or near-mint is throwing your money away. Even near-mint is a crapshoot. The chances are close to 100%, unless very lucky, that the LP has been checked only with stereo playback if checked at all, or has been found sitting in a humid, moldy attic/garage & collecting so much crud, dust & mold that it takes a vacuum record cleaning machine (which I got several years ago out of frustration) that all you're going to hear is crackling noise. I've cleaned a number of Ebay CD4 acquisitions that I've cleaned several times with the RCM and still are full of noise - they've been trashed and I wasted the money.

Issues are not having low cap cables, not the turntable (from a Dual 1229 to Music Hall MMF7), not the CD-4 demod I have, being in the 9001, is pretty darn good. Because I do have CD-4 LP's that have excellent playback and separation even close to 50 years later! But I don't abuse them, don't play them often and they are stored properly and played back with the correct cartridge & stylus (Audio Technica AT14sa). I think a lot of the issues with CD-4 are due to people didn't know the proper gear to play them out of ignorance of the cartridge, stylus, cables needed. Or didn't have quad gear at the time so just played as stereo with whatever they had.

Yes, CD4 was a debacle and even when it works well, it's not really "high fidelity". When you think about a 45Khz signal being cut into the bottom of the grooves on normal vinyl of that era, (RCA's were some of the flimsiest - Dynaflex what a joke!) it's a miracle it works at all.

Still, I wouldn't get rid of my CD4 playback capability and the LPs I have collected since the mid 70's. Some great music & the only way to listen in quad.

Which is why, seeing Rhino bring some of these treasures to hi-rez digital is fantastic!!
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