ABC - The Lexicon Of Love (Steven Wilson 5.1 & Dolby Atmos remixes coming in August 2023; SDE Blu-Ray #12)


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Steven Wilson has never impressed me. I just don't get why he's permitted to do this stuff. Maybe he's in the same category as Giles Martin. Anyway, I give them a pass.
Surely you jest!

Maybe you’d care to elaborate with your mix preferences in general; and some specific titles (engineers) you like?
Steven Wilson has never impressed me. I just don't get why he's permitted to do this stuff. Maybe he's in the same category as Giles Martin. Anyway, I give them a pass.
At present, Steve Wilson is THE most sought after remixer in the industry. And even his ATMOS remixes also include a separate 5.1 remix [not a downsampling of the ATMOS track] as well as stereo. Absolutely NO complaints HERE!


To each his own.
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I got a like from @Lord British !

Dude. Ultima III was the SHIT.
Ultima IV was my favorite. Oh how I loved my Apple //e. (I have an emulator now, but every-so-often I toy with buying a used one.)

Back to this release... mine just got out of customs. We’ll see if it can make it two states over by tomorrow like USPS seems to think.

Been listening to this a bit more on streaming in recent days. Kind of a shame I wasn’t more open to this when it came out.

As I listen now, musically/instrumentally speaking, I have a much better appreciation for it.
Ultima IV was my favorite. Oh how I loved my Apple //e. (I have an emulator now, but every-so-often I toy with buying a used one.)
Ultima IV was a better game, but U3 was like formative for me. It was the first RPG/Adventure game that I played all the way through in one chunk of time (like 3 weeks, with a friend of mine).
Back to this release... mine just got out of customs. We’ll see if it can make it two states over by tomorrow like USPS seems to think.
Just checked mine; today it arrived in the US and, in fact, was released from customs about 10 minutes ago. Bonus: all this happened in Chicago! USPS says I will have it Saturday. Joy!
Ultima IV was a better game, but U3 was like formative for me. It was the first RPG/Adventure game that I played all the way through in one chunk of time (like 3 weeks, with a friend of mine).

Just checked mine; today it arrived in the US and, in fact, was released from customs about 10 minutes ago. Bonus: all this happened in Chicago! USPS says I will have it Saturday. Joy!
Oh man, the Ultima and Wizardry series... those were the days!
Steven Wilson has never impressed me. I just don't get why he's permitted to do this stuff. Maybe he's in the same category as Giles Martin. Anyway, I give them a pass.
Sorry, but you're not allowed to say this. Prepare for ban.

But really, what drove me to listen to his mixing work was mainly due to his new mixes of old albums. There's a lot that can be done to improve or provide a different experience in a new mix of an album, even if that mix is faithful to the original release! It offers a far more exciting experience than can be provided with a remaster, in my opinion.
Steven Wilson has never impressed me. I just don't get why he's permitted to do this stuff. Maybe he's in the same category as Giles Martin. Anyway, I give them a pass.
How so ? As someone who has heard a few of Stevens atmos mixes on a state of the art L’Acoustic rig at their HQ in Highgate London I can tell you as a sound engineer of some 37 years I have not heard anything like what Steven does to some classic albums (and even to his own) anywhere else. His ability to mix the album as it was in stereo and then unpack it into a sonic bubble of wonder whilst retaining its original mix joy is unparalleled in my opinion. I’m intrigued as to where you listen to your mixes and how you’ve come to this conclusion. I suspect most people don’t have the advantages of a decent well calibrated Atmos rig to fully appreciate these things. This is the dichotomy of our times …again like old quad (of which i am a collector like most people seem to be here) Atmos in its truest form is a beast seldom tasted by the general public outside of headphones or sound bars.