Not all hardware plays SACD so I ordered the Blu-ray simply as a backup. Although I'm not sure about the Pink Vinyl right enough.
Anyone seen a "Spotlight" poll created yet on this new BD issue of Alice's MOL?The quad sound is awesome. I love the woodwind choir on Crazy Little Child. The title track is exceptional, with great depth. The backing track moves in and around (and behind) the soundstage, with the leads floating above and driving to the center. This is one of the best Quad mixes In the Quadio series. Sonic bliss.
Superb indeed.
Like many an album, the quad bumps up the quality of the listening experience. A B+ album can become an A. I’ve always liked the album but the quad brings out more of the the subtle production touches nicely. And this mastering I prefer over the AF.I listened to the album on YouTube or somewhere and was unimpressed. Nevertheless in need of retail therapy I ordered the thing.
It has arrived, and it is absolutely superb. The packaging is whacky but who cares when the music is so good?
I canna find a Spotlight poll but I have my 10 waiting for when one shows up.