Am I the only one getting "Revolver Fatigue"? I will be happy to get out my wallet when they have a multi channel disc to sell me. Otherwise I am getting a little tired of hearing about it. One Beatle fan vlogger theorizes that they didn't produce a mch disc because the Peter Jackson set only sold 43,000 units (his figures 43,000X $40=1.72 million dollars. Not enough??)
I also think calling the stereo Hi Rez is a a misnomer because you can't extract "hi rez" from a 55 year old analog magnetic tape. Barely CD quality actually. The popular music business has always been famously corrupt and it wouldn't surprise me if/that the streaming services may have paid a bribe to keep something desireable on their platforms.
I never ever owned a bootleg anything until about three months ago , but have discovered there is an entire massive world of Beatles "unofficial releases" available out there. Some of them amazingly good quality. Next Sunday there is a Record Show in St. Louis and I will be looking. It strikes me that releasing something officially would be a disincentive for the rip and release crowd.