Unless one chose expedited shipping/handling, I think we Import/Cders might get it before the CDJapaners do. It usually takes approximately a month to receive my orders from CDJapan without expedited s/h.
in the words of BJ;
"you may be right"..!!
Unless one chose expedited shipping/handling, I think we Import/Cders might get it before the CDJapaners do. It usually takes approximately a month to receive my orders from CDJapan without expedited s/h.
And just think, Adam, you'll be able to play it on your new multi region, modded OPPO 203 and donate your Cambridge Universal Player to the Sisters of Mercy!
this is very true, oh Ralpheeo! the prospect of a modded oppo is quite delicious!
i shall however retain the services of the trusty CA BDP for the time being and keep it hooked up in the rig until such time as i tire of it and say "Orf with his head (unit)..!!"
oh gawd that Chardonnay this evening was way too yummy for words..![]()
i don't often do this but.. shipping update!
DHL will deliver the BB SACDs on Friday!!! YEEEEAAAAYYYY..!!!![]()
You're one lucky bitch, fredbrew!
..the sting in the tail, Ralphie.. buzz buzz.. just got stung for customs on the BB SACDs..! ouch! so that's £22 quid extra gone into HM's coffers. next time someone opines about the segnitude of DV's international delivery i may remind them DV's shipments abroad may be arse-cripplingly slow but CDJapan's ultra speedy international delivery comes at a hefty price (everything i've ever ordered from them, no matter the order total, nor the delivery method, has attracted customs duty etc., several times exceeding the value of the item sent!) plus the Japanese product is a gazillion times more expensive than DV's in the first place. oh well, I'll quit my bitchin', I'm thrilled BB's on its way, even if its a premium product with a price to match, if its fidelity matches its beauty you won't hear me whingeing!
..the sting in the tail, Ralphie.. buzz buzz.. just got stung for customs on the BB SACDs..! ouch! so that's £22 quid extra gone into HM's coffers. next time someone opines about the segnitude of DV's international delivery i may remind them DV's shipments abroad may be arse-cripplingly slow but CDJapan's ultra speedy international delivery comes at a hefty price (everything i've ever ordered from them, no matter the order total, nor the delivery method, has attracted customs duty etc., several times exceeding the value of the item sent!) plus the Japanese product is a gazillion times more expensive than DV's in the first place. oh well, I'll quit my bitchin', I'm thrilled BB's on its way, even if its a premium product with a price to match, if its fidelity matches its beauty you won't hear me whingeing!
Hell yeah! I got email from CD Japan toooooooooooooooooo! (snood??)
Mine shipped out...and since I didn't choose tracking.....I will be pacing around for a bit...lmao
Yep mines been shipped out too. But while its registered its not expedited so by the time it gets here.....CDJapan will have announced their next SACD surround sound issue......