Dutton Vocalion April 2018 Surround Sound SACDs (Guess Who, Rick Derringer & The Hues Corporation)


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Mike's reissue work over the last 20 years is with a variety of genres including classical and easy listening, but he started out his career at Morgan Studios in London. He was a tape op on Iron Maiden's self-titled first album, Black Sabbath's Never Say Die and Gary Moore's Back On The Streets, and has engineering credits on The Cure's first four albums. So suffice it to say, he probably knows the ins and outs of rock and roll sonics better than all of us combined, and I think these albums are in a safe pair of hands. ;)
I think the thing I have 'picked-up' on his he likes good music. If its well done he recognises that. Which is something my late father (an incrediblely good musician) instilled into us, even if you don't personally like it, spot its well done. So I've bought the 'Hues' SACD I don't know it, but it will be excellent, even though its out of my normal listening experience.....Oh and its Quad, so fun as well. So D-V keep bringing them on, some wonderful surprises if you take a 'risk', that applies to listener and record co.
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You can tell by looking at those scans/photo's of the backs of the 3 new quad 2-fers that care and thought were put into the layout and design of those backs. Not only do we see the front and backs of the original album graphics, but instead of just the song titles and copyright notices, there's a lot of in-depth info about the recordings themselves. And - - - it's cool as heck to have our own steelydave involved in the whole process to put that touch of authenticity to the whole thing.

What a top notch, first class, very high value for the money this reissue label is. However they can do this is hard for me to understand, but I sure thing it's not only great, (Insert Tony the Tiger voice here), "It's GREAT!".

Lest me forget, Michael Dutton and his label have been putting out quality two~fer [and single disc] RBCDs for YEARS accessing quality masters from multiple labels and selling them at reasonable prices: music which the majors themselves probably had NO intention of releasing themselves on RBCD.

Wisely, SONY, realizing that they were sitting on a goldmine of unreleased QUAD masters from ALL their associated labels languishing in the vaults and FINALLY realizing there IS a market for these "treasures" is probably licensing them to D~V for a fraction of what any of the US reissue labels could license them for.

ALL [and I have almost all of them] the DV QUADS, Popular, Easy Listening, Rock, Classical I've thus purchased from D~V have one thing in common: Quality~wise, they're as SUPERB as any produced by other reissue companies at a fraction of the cost and my only wish [and I know I'm not alone] is that Warners and Universal likewise license their remaining QUAD/5.1 titles for replication by Michael Dutton & Company instead of letting them literally ROT IN THEIR RESPECTIVE VAULTS.

I've often intimated that IF the Majors can release Quality Blu Ray Motion Pictures and sell them for a fraction of what QUAD SACD reissues have cost us, then they can 'reasonably' license their QUAD/5.1 masters to a company of D~V's stature at much reduced rates, cutting through the ridiculous RED TAPE involved and everyone concerned can make a profit. Something is better than NOTHING.

SUPPORT D~V and hopefully Michael Dutton and D~V can finally make a dent in getting the remaining QUADs once and for all released on a quality hi res format which, IMO, would be a WIN~WIN situation for ALL.
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I just had a thought.... what if D-V continues on this Guess Who two-fer?? I mean, if they want to re-release Best of #1, that's fine but if they dont; make the next pair:

Best of #2 teamed with Rockin'
Share the Land teamed with American Woman
Canned Wheat teamed with Wheatfield Soul

And I suppose if they really wanted to, just to be completeists; Flavours with Power in the Music.

I don't know if there's any point doing Artificial Paradise as that one is a bit of an echo-y mess. However, I traded some correspondence years ago with Jack Richardson and he claimed in his letters that So Long, Bannatyne & Live at the Paramount were indeed mixed to Quad. I can't find the letters to save my life, but I seem to recall him writing that RCA dropped them due to not being able to fit them on one cartridge each or something like that. They were a few minutes too long over RCA's time limit for tape.

If those two were actually done, would that not be the score of the century? Paramount is a great album unto itself, but Bannatyne has some great tunes, too!
I just had a thought.... what if D-V continues on this Guess Who two-fer?? I mean, if they want to re-release Best of #1, that's fine but if they dont; make the next pair:

Best of #2 teamed with Rockin'
Share the Land teamed with American Woman
Canned Wheat teamed with Wheatfield Soul

And I suppose if they really wanted to, just to be completeists; Flavours with Power in the Music.

I don't know if there's any point doing Artificial Paradise as that one is a bit of an echo-y mess. However, I traded some correspondence years ago with Jack Richardson and he claimed in his letters that So Long, Bannatyne & Live at the Paramount were indeed mixed to Quad. I can't find the letters to save my life, but I seem to recall him writing that RCA dropped them due to not being able to fit them on one cartridge each or something like that. They were a few minutes too long over RCA's time limit for tape.

If those two were actually done, would that not be the score of the century? Paramount is a great album unto itself, but Bannatyne has some great tunes, too!
Yeah, maybe Q. I'm so paranoid about this whole release schedule...I sort of prefer they do what they've been doing. Paint with a wide brush. Give us as much diversity (in terms of genre and also artist within genre). That's my dream. Derringer this month......Johnny Mathis next...and so on. You know...diversity. :)
Yeah, maybe Q. I'm so paranoid about this whole release schedule...I sort of prefer they do what they've been doing. Paint with a wide brush. Give us as much diversity (in terms of genre and also artist within genre). That's my dream. Derringer this month......Johnny Mathis next...and so on. You know...diversity. :)

I agree Gene. But don't forget, if you don't want cracked CD cases, order in even numbers.....or be ODD man Out!:eek:
It would be nice if WB is not going to issue their Quad archives themselves, then maybe they could do it through D/V? If so, it would give them the 3 major players from the quad era, Columbia, RCA and WEA. Now we're moving some SACDs!!! :SG

James Taylor - One Man Dog/Gorilla
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark/Hissing of Summer Lawns
Gordon Lightfoot - Cold On the Shoulder/Sundown
America - Hearts/Holiday
Seals & Crofts - Summer Breeze/Diamond Girl

You get the idea......
I just had a thought.... what if D-V continues on this Guess Who two-fer?? I mean, if they want to re-release Best of #1, that's fine but if they dont; make the next pair:

Best of #2 teamed with Rockin'
Share the Land teamed with American Woman
Canned Wheat teamed with Wheatfield Soul

And I suppose if they really wanted to, just to be completeists; Flavours with Power in the Music.

I don't know if there's any point doing Artificial Paradise as that one is a bit of an echo-y mess. However, I traded some correspondence years ago with Jack Richardson and he claimed in his letters that So Long, Bannatyne & Live at the Paramount were indeed mixed to Quad. I can't find the letters to save my life, but I seem to recall him writing that RCA dropped them due to not being able to fit them on one cartridge each or something like that. They were a few minutes too long over RCA's time limit for tape.

If those two were actually done, would that not be the score of the century? Paramount is a great album unto itself, but Bannatyne has some great tunes, too!

I think it was Randy B himself who summed it up pretty well, 'any quad is good quad, so I took what I could get' :)
It would be nice if WB is not going to issue their Quad archives themselves, then maybe they could do it through D/V? If so, it would give them the 3 major players from the quad era, Columbia, RCA and WEA. Now we're moving some SACDs!!! :SG

James Taylor - One Man Dog/Gorilla
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark/Hissing of Summer Lawns
Gordon Lightfoot - Cold On the Shoulder/Sundown
America - Hearts/Holiday
Seals & Crofts - Summer Breeze/Diamond Girl

You get the idea......

And don't forget: Joni Mitchell's Blue, Neil Young's After the Gold Rush, CSNY, James Taylor's Sweet Baby James, Madonna's Greatest Hits, The Cars debut album/Heartbeat City, etc. etc. All supposedly were remixed into 5.1 as were some of Joni Mitchell's earlier albums like Ladies of the Canyon.

THROW Open those musty vaults........DHL express those masters across the Pond to D~V's mastering facilities and then we can all sleep better knowing those precious non~archival masters won't rot in HELL!:devilish:

I'm sure Brother Snood would be willing to quit his day job to help Warner/Rhino hunt down those elusive master tapes in exchange for a gourmet honey ham and Finlandia Swiss cheese hoagy, a cold pint of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and a ripe organic banana for dessert! :SB:LB:hi Hold the pickles & mayo.......:eek:
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And don't forget: Joni Mitchell's Blue, Neil Young's After the Gold Rush, CSNY, James Taylor's Sweet Baby James, Madonna's Greatest Hits, The Cars debut album/Heartbeat City, etc. etc. All supposedly were remixed into 5.1 as were some of Joni Mitchell's earlier albums like Ladies of the Canyon.

THROW Open those musty vaults........DHL express those masters across the Pond to D~V's mastering facilities and then we can all sleep better knowing those precious non~archival masters won't rot in HELL!:devilish:

I'm sure Snood would be willing to quit his day job to help Warner/Rhino search for those elusive master tapes in exchange for a honey ham and cheese hoagy, a cold pint of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and a ripe organic banana for dessert! :SB:LB:hi

I don't mean any disrespect, but I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here.

D-V have excellent momentum going with these quad reissues (I really didn't think they issue a real rock title like Derringer this soon) and a great advisor/contributer in SteelyDave, so it's safe to say they likely have plans to continue slowly releasing Sony and RCA quad material at their current pace. Let's just sit back and continue enjoying that instead of speculating about old Warner 5.1 mixes that were likely never completed..
I'm sure Brother Snood would be willing to quit his day job to help Warner/Rhino hunt down those elusive master tapes in exchange for a gourmet honey ham and Finlandia Swiss cheese hoagy, a cold pint of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and a ripe organic banana for dessert! :SB:LB:hi Hold the pickles & mayo.......:eek:

You think Snood would eat one of my own :LB while swigging a family member down with a PBR :unsure:...all for the sake of my day job, which happens to be cultivating & growing said :LB :QQlove

If you don't know Snood by now..... you will never ever blah blah blah.....for God's sake ...Banana lives matter :ROFLMAO:
Ya. Forum enthusiasm runs amok sometimes! :eek:

And yet, IMO, through the sometimes unbridled enthusiasm of this website/forum a helluva lot HAS been accomplished. Without QQ, how many of these surround titles would've been released in A.D. 2018, or AT ALL?

In fact, I'll go so far as to say the very existence of QQ HAS introduced a THIRD WAVE of Surround Sound to the general public, especially in an age when physical disc replication is threatened with extinction.
You think Snood would eat one of my own :LB while swigging a family member down with a PBR :unsure:...all for the sake of my day job, which happens to be cultivating & growing said :LB:QQlove

If you don't know Snood by now..... you will never ever blah blah blah.....for God's sake ...Banana lives matter :ROFLMAO:

What Brother Snood wouldn't give to hear this classic in 5.1??????? :SB

BTW, this concert was taped 10 minutes from my house. Where was I.......Apple picking????
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Lest me forget, Michael Dutton and his label have been putting out quality two~fer [and single disc] RBCDs for YEARS accessing quality masters from multiple labels and selling them at reasonable prices: music which the majors themselves probably had NO intention of releasing themselves on RBCD.

Wisely, SONY, realizing that they were sitting on a goldmine of unreleased QUAD masters from ALL their associated labels languishing in the vaults and FINALLY realizing there IS a market for these "treasures" is probably licensing them to D~V for a fraction of what any of the US reissue labels could license them for.

ALL [and I have almost all of them] the DV QUADS, Popular, Easy Listening, Rock, Classical I've thus purchased from D~V have one thing in common: Quality~wise, they're as SUPERB as any produced by other reissue companies at a fraction of the cost and my only wish [and I know I'm not alone] is that Warners and Universal likewise license their remaining QUAD/5.1 titles for replication by Michael Dutton & Company instead of letting them literally ROT IN THEIR RESPECTIVE VAULTS.

I've often intimated that IF the Majors can release Quality Blu Ray Motion Pictures and sell them for a fraction of what QUAD SACD reissues have cost us, then they can 'reasonably' license their QUAD/5.1 masters to a company of D~V's stature at much reduced rates, cutting through the ridiculous RED TAPE involved and everyone concerned can make a profit. Something is better than NOTHING.

SUPPORT D~V and hopefully Michael Dutton and D~V can finally make a dent in getting the remaining QUADs once and for all released on a quality hi res format which, IMO, would be a WIN~WIN situation for ALL.

DV have already released Quads licensed from Universal (Paul Mauriat, Ray Davies, Swingle Singers..) we just need Warner on board now to score the hat trick (and get gems out that Rhino might never release, like the Average White Band/AWB Quad, in the best quality, to liberate it from its CD-4 and Q8 shackles - at last!!)
We're an excitable bunch for sure. But c'mon..... Rick Derringer QUAD in 2018? Guess Who Quad in 2018?? That's some pretty exciting stuff. Hues Corp? I'm over the moon 'cuz all these titles are in my wheelhouse. I really hope D-V does well on these titles and continues to give us a few more "Pop/Rock" oriented titles.

I was just thinking if they can license two titles from the Guess Who, certainly others must be available! If their release cycle was two Guess Who albums every other month, I'd be OK with that. Even longer would be OK too. The possibility is there!
DV have already released Quads licensed from Universal (Paul Mauriat, Ray Davies, Swingle Singers..) we just need Warner on board now to score the hat trick (and get gems out that Rhino might never release, like the Average White Band/AWB Quad, in the best quality, to liberate it from its CD-4 and Q8 shackles - at last!!)

ODE to FREDBLUE who lives, eats and breathes in DISCRETE surround [ambient recordings need NOT apply.....like Billy Cobham Live in Rome...although, I beg to DISAGREE!]

NO more POPs
NO more crappy 8 TRACKs

With broken splices causing it to STOP

No more Scrubbing
of swishy CD~4s
Can now use my fairy liquid
To take scrumptious bubble baths

Getting Warner on Board
And UMG to up their ante
D~V could become
The very finest QUAD reissue house in History

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Snood want Eric Carmen!!! :love: But will take what a Snood can get - me luvs DV :snoodhug :SB:QQlove

Arista's on Sony Music, Snoodypops, so Eric the bananaman's a real possibility!

personally, if DV are gonna raid the Arista Quad vault-ette, I'd love them to start with Brecker Brothers' "Back To Back", that's the best Quad mix Arista put out, imho, its F-A-B..!!