I need to check that out. It would be a wonderful surprise if the 5.1 DTS was ok.
@Group: The KE9 3rd Impression bass problem isn't just a "volume" issue like RT has noted. It is also the processing & eq which are all wrong. At first the bass has super distortion which cuts through the mix like a rusty knife through a fine oil canvas painting. Then... when the bass changes its timber to the "normal" sound, it has a flat and dry sound to it, like it was a practice take. And yes it is WAY too prominent in the mix and ruins all the great keyboard work & vocals.
In the original 2ch mix, the bass *does* have a wonderful grinding fuzz effect on it for the first few bars*. Then about 18 seconds in it reverts to 'dry' , though not really dry, it has little bit of chorus on it for most of the track.
In the old DVD-A 5.1, the fuzz bass section is mixed to all channels *except* the center. Then when the 'dry' bass that begins @ ~18 sec is almost entirely confined to center channel and stays that way for most of the track.
(The old DVD-A also reveals that the fuzz section includes at least one overdubbed bass riff.)
(*In live versions, e.g. WBMF, it was super-loud, and not nearly so good-sounding; the whole intro was played 'wrong' in the live performances, to my ears -- too frantic when it should have been stately and monolithic. ANd of course in the 'wrong' key to accomodate Greg's voice).