ELP Emerson Lake & Palmer Cataloge in 5.1 Surround


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i'm not yet got mine order and can't compare but in advance want to say, i have nothing against different versions.
the more i have, the better. sadly so far it's remains just a good wish :(
Chris Welch, who wrote the sleeve notes you refer to, spent a lot of the early 70's hanging out with the group and I think you can say he is both a true ELP fan, and something of an authority on them - he wrote about the song as being sung by Keith, I bow to his judgment on this, I personally don't know what Keith singing sounds like - when Keith was quizzed on it recently he was unable to confirm it was him, but neither was he sure it was not him. One thing that is for sure however, is that the piece was indeed recorded during the Tarkus sessions, as it appears on the the same tape reel (reel 323) between two sections of the title track of Tarkus - it therefore doesn't seem very likely that they stopped an ELP session mid way through, and different musicians wandered it to record a song for a completely different project on ELP's multitrack tape. Possible, but hugely unlikely. I certainly would not have mixed it and included it in my mixes present to the band for approval if the evidence did not point to it being an out-take from the sessions - the 3 members had approximately a year to listen to and veto its inclusion - my job was simply to mix everything that was found on the reels I was given. Greg thinks it is his composition, so I suspect it is him playing the piano, and sung by one of the other members, or perhaps a friend of theirs who happened to be in the studio, perhaps even Eddie Offord, who knows? I suspect the truth is that no-one really knows, and that includes "true fans" - the only people that could really confirm its origins simply don't remember.

I find it strange that no band members knew where Unknown Ballad came from before the disc was released since Keith was made aware of it in mid August and he sent the memo's to Sony and his management team to have UB removed. I have yet to hear personally what Greg has to say about the track.
As far as the mixes are concerned, Steven, if you want to contact me off the group, feel free to do so.
Steven, thank you for your words and an inside look at what went on. I really hope you get a chance to remix Trilogy. And I hope to see you live with PT again some time!
That track is not either elp or Keith singing as the booklet says. Any true elp fan will know it's not them, how could this happen? I loved Steve's work on Crimson and Tull but these 2 elp discs could have been alot better. Perhaps if it was done by a person who has a true passion of the group and the music. Steve's version is good but the Rhino surround version of Lucky Man blows the new version away. Maybe John Kellogg who did the 5.1 mix is a true fan of the music.
Dude, all I can say is that you should be ashamed of yourself and if you had any real appreciation, knowledge or basic common sense about music, you'd apologize for your stunningly-pointless, ill-conceived, faux-outrage post.
You can't really be as stupid as you sound, can you?
Love, milt
I find it strange that no band members knew where Unknown Ballad came from before the disc was released since Keith was made aware of it in mid August and he sent the memo's to Sony and his management team to have UB removed. I have yet to hear personally what Greg has to say about the track.
As far as the mixes are concerned, Steven, if you want to contact me off the group, feel free to do so.

Oh come on! by exactly what authority do you think Steven should be entering into private conversations with you about his mixing work?
Or perhaps 'delusions of grandeur'? 'Dillusions of Grandeur' is a common practice in the far east of taking a bath in a 'tea ' made from dill-weed and emerging thinking more highly of yourself than before :)

PS - my first post here, and it is a smart a$$ comment. Doesn't bode well.
That track is not either elp or Keith singing as the booklet says. Any true elp fan will know it's not them, how could this happen? I loved Steve's work on Crimson and Tull but these 2 elp discs could have been alot better. Perhaps if it was done by a person who has a true passion of the group and the music. Steve's version is good but the Rhino surround version of Lucky Man blows the new version away. Maybe John Kellogg who did the 5.1 mix is a true fan of the music.

I agree with the guy who posted that. We are here to voice our opinions and for him or I to air our views is fine just as it is for others to disagree.
There is nothing wrong or haughty for me to question Stevens Wilson's surround treatment of the 2 ELP albums. I have LOVED his other works but am disappointed with these. I don't think Mr Wilson is above taking criticism just as he takes any praise from us.

And one last note....I would bet Steven puts his pants on one leg at a time.
(I know you think I don't)
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I agree with the guy who posted that. We are here to voice our opinions and for him or I to air our views is fine just as it is for others to disagree.
There is nothing wrong or haughty for me to question Stevens Wilson's surround treatment of the 2 ELP albums. I have LOVED his other works but am disappointed with these. I don't think Mr Wilson is above taking criticism just as he takes any praise from us.

I disagree that that the Rhino version of LM blows away the SW version. The sound quality is better and clearer, and the vocals are far more prominent in the new version, esp in the rear speakers. I can hear things in the new version that I can't on the rhino version, and I do like the Rhino mix very much. Those vocals on the new version gave me goose bumps .
I absolutely love the SW mix of "Lucky Man". Not that the original was bad but I actually got goosebumps when i heard the new mix for the first time. A real winner.
I find it strange that no band members knew where Unknown Ballad came from before the disc was released

I don't find this too hard to believe for something that may be seen as an obscure track from the seventies. I've actually been in situations where persons who were known by other band members to have played on certain tracks swear that they have never heard the track before.

I absolutely love the SW mix of "Lucky Man". Not that the original was bad but I actually got goosebumps when i heard the new mix for the first time. A real winner.

Couldn't agree more Bob. In my opinion he's done an excellent job both in the mix of this and his reply on here.
My order of two "Tarkus" from Amazon UK on Aug.29 arrived Sep.15, both are shrink-wrapped and in perfect condition, unlike the first order of "EL&P" and "Tarkus" which was unwrapped. The luck of the draw I suppose. :rolleyes:
I disagree that that the Rhino version of LM blows away the SW version. The sound quality is better and clearer, and the vocals are far more prominent in the new version, esp in the rear speakers. I can hear things in the new version that I can't on the rhino version, and I do like the Rhino mix very much. Those vocals on the new version gave me goose bumps .

You need to vote here for your favourite Lucky Man mix :eek::
Oh come on! by exactly what authority do you think Steven should be entering into private conversations with you about his mixing work?

By the authority of TARKUS. Comeon! Everyone is making such a big deal out of this. I just feel the surround treatment could have been much better like Steven's other works. Perhaps it was a time constraint on studio time=more Sony money spent?
I know that these releases are selling better than "they" expected so maybe more time/money can be allotted to the next batch if there really will BE a next batch. Maybe, Neil, you will be able to add more to the menus. I know this DVD-Audio last minute decision handcuffed you.
By the authority of TARKUS. Comeon! Everyone is making such a big deal out of this. I just feel the surround treatment could have been much better like Steven's other works. Perhaps it was a time constraint on studio time=more Sony money spent?
I know that these releases are selling better than "they" expected so maybe more time/money can be allotted to the next batch if there really will BE a next batch. Maybe, Neil, you will be able to add more to the menus. I know this DVD-Audio last minute decision handcuffed you.

Cannot agree that time wasn't spent on these productions, if I was to be ultra picky I would say better menus could have more content photes and so on, but the sound quality is exellent, and don't forget we are talking over 40 years Tarkus was out, do I really have to come over and kick some bottom.