Gavin Harrison - "Cheating the Polygraph" CD/DVD


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Here is a Q&A/Interview about this upcoming album:

Gavin mentions the surround mix a couple of times. He describes the mix as being quite discreet; isolating instruments to particular speakers. He talks about the mix as if he did it himself, or at least he was quite involved.

I am looking forward to this one. I wish we knew if it was at least DTS.
Good interview, and nice to see the surround mix get some publicity!

I'm sure it will be DTS, but I can't order this yet, seeing as how most independent stores I would order from want to charge you now! (and I haven't got the money now! lol) ;)
In the Steven Wilson interview I posted in the other thread, he was asked about this new album from Gavin and here's what he had to say about it:

What do you make of Gavin Harrison's Big Band jazz versions of Porcupine Tree songs on his upcoming album, Cheating the Polygraph?

It's brilliant! I love it! It's amazing to hear music I've written presented that way. Listen, I don't know what the audience is for it, and I don't think he knows either. But as a piece of art it's phenomenal. What did you think of it?

I only received a download of it last night and so far all I've listened to is the first track, "What Happens Now?" It sounded great, but I have to admit I didn't recognize it.

Me neither! He sat me down and played me some of those tracks. I was almost the whole way through and he said, "Do you recognize it?" I said, "No...." And these, apparently, are songs that I wrote! So, obviously, they are very abstracted from the original source material, which is great. I was really impressed. It's a beautifully executed piece of work.
I am seriously tempted by this one but think I'll wait until the QQ reviews come back. I've heard the available samples but just want to know about the sound quality.
I am seriously tempted by this one but think I'll wait until the QQ reviews come back. I've heard the available samples but just want to know about the sound quality.

I will give you an honest review, no holds barred, straight raw like reservoir dogs :}
Me too. One track was included on the nice kscope sampler included with the SW HCE box and I rather liked it.

Although SW says he doesn't recognize any of it when Gavin played it for him, you can make it out from the bass and drums at times.

Keep Calm and Have Patience
Okay, listened to the kscope volume 6 sampler of Hatesong/Halo through DPLII, I'm now also in with a pre order.
If by any chance, someone knows what audio format the surround version will be in (Dolby, DTS, MLP?), please chime in.
I asked Gavin Harrison on another forum that exact question. He answered that question today here:

I just pre-ordered the CD/DVD-V version of "Cheating the Polygraph" from Burning Shed .
Did Jakko do the 5.1 mix? Also, do you know if it is a hi-res DVD-A, or does it only have dts/dolby listening options?

I did the 5.1 mix and it has DTS/Dolby formats. I believe there will also be a FLAC 24bit96k stereo version available very soon from Burning Shed.........


Here I go again:


Dolby & DTS
Surround mix and stereo mix by G. Harrison.

Take a listen now. :)
I've only listened to the 5.1 mix and I really like it. I am definitely much cooler now after the first listen. :cool:

I don't know about feeling cooler, but I've found myself listening to this while stood up in the middle of the room kind of part air drummer, part mad conductor :bounce17:bounce17 !

Gavin is right though, you definitely feel right in the middle of the music. Superb.