Here it is: the JCQS-440 A.F.V. also known as the Wurlyscope.


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Just a friendly reminder that this thread is about the Wurlyscope, it's not the place to debate Mac versus Windows :)

Don't worry, we're all working on the WoS ( Wurley Octal Scope ). I got one myself and it's all in good humor.

We just need to make Mr. Wurley's life a bit happier..

Heck, we haven't even gotten into the standard vs metric. I got this Ikea rack (*) that takes all kinds of US standard 17" devices but the WoS is metric and about 1/16" too wide... so I had to slide from the side of the rack!.

The metric WoS is to my Nuforce amp what Phil Spector's Wall Of Sound is to Hot Rize's Wichita Lineman. (Or for that matter, Red Knuckles and the Trailblazers in Always Late).

And since I'm rambling... I wonder if I use the WoS next to the RME and the Sony EP9ES and start to multitrack and do my own Wall Of Sound with Red Knuckles... It would be awesome to watch the effect on the display. Not quad, but octal... for sure. May be introduce a subsonic signal sync'd with the acoustic bass.

My WoS uses red for the subwoofer channel!

I come on the TV
Grinnin', wearing pistols and a hat
It's a kiddie show and I'm a hero
Of the younger set
I'm the number one attraction
In every supermarket parking lot
I'm the king of Kansas City
No thanks Omaha, thanks a lot

Gotta turn off the stereo and go smoke a cigar...

He was long gone from Kentucky
Long gone, ain't he lucky?
Long gone, what I mean
A long gone John from Bowlin' Green

(*) To call this $100, 7 foot tall wooden device with adjustable shelves from the late 90s a rack is to push the boundaries... but then it's in the den and I'd rather spend the money on the components. This is not like the Target TT5 that supports the Linn... that one is a necessary component to satisfy the needs of Ivor's crazed designing mind. Anyhow, on the Ikea's middle shelf, The Shelf Of Honor, sits the WoS in all of its glory.
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Well you know what they say:
A bad thing never come alone...

Yesterday morning i started my day with a mild sore throat.
Then it quickly degenerated during the day.
Strong headaches, muscle aches, clogged ears and runny nose...
The total!
I tested positive to covid 19. :confused:
I have a bad lung condition so i must be very careful no to get pneumonia.
I should be better soon since i had my 5th dose of vaccine 2 weeks ago.
I need a lot of rest now...
Well you know what they say:
A bad thing never come alone...

Yesterday morning i started my day with a mild sore throat.
Then it quickly degenerated during the day.
Strong headaches, muscle aches, clogged ears and runny nose...
The total!
I tested positive to covid 19. :confused:
I have a bad lung condition so i must be very careful no to get pneumonia.
I should be better soon since i had my 5th dose of vaccine 2 weeks ago.
I need a lot of rest now...

I've been taking plant based Quercetin ( Phytosome ) with vitamin C and Zinc for over two years now. Knock on wood, but I haven't even gotten the flu.

You can likely get it within two days from Amazon. Take four/five times the normal daily dose. The idea is to get the Zinc through the cell membranes.
Well you know what they say:
A bad thing never come alone...

Yesterday morning i started my day with a mild sore throat.
Then it quickly degenerated during the day.
Strong headaches, muscle aches, clogged ears and runny nose...
The total!
I tested positive to covid 19. :confused:
I have a bad lung condition so i must be very careful no to get pneumonia.
I should be better soon since i had my 5th dose of vaccine 2 weeks ago.
I need a lot of rest now...
Quick! Connect him to a Wurlyscope and take a histogram!

Hopefully he doesn't have kurtosis or vitas gerulaitis.
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Thank you all for your kind messages. I feel a bit better today.
Maybe i should add another chapter to the manual:
Chapter 33.3: wow to visualize your vital signs with the Wurlyscope.

What??? I'm rich! I'm Rich! I'm RICH!
It is mine! Mine! MINE!

I may have a bit of fever though... o_O
Been vaccinated four times, caught the bug twice myself. So far, they’ve been pretty mild, not even requiring bed rest, so what it really meant to me was a week isolated in my media room.

Heal quickly and completely!

Yet, we only took the one shot affair, under duress, no mRNA, no booster shots and we have not been sick at all. It's weird, it's been more than three years now since either one of us had a cold, flu or a fever. My wife had a sore throat once, for two days... but that was it.

So, go figure it out...

We do take zinc and vitamins, get our yearly flu shots, live in The OC and our HT, at 7.0, has no subwoofer, so maybe that's the difference?

You might want to shut off that subwoofer!
We do take zinc and vitamins, get our yearly flu shots, live in The OC and our HT, at 7.0, has no subwoofer, so maybe that's the difference?

You might want to shut off that subwoofer!

Don'cha know most of us QQ'ers would rather risk disease- even death- than give up our phat low end?
Don'cha know most of us QQ'ers would rather risk disease- even death- than give up our phat low end?

I prefer an articulate low end, with fast mid bass slam, detailed mids, shimmering highs, accurate microdynamics, extended macrodynamics and a deep/wide soundstage.

Besides, when I get sick, everything turns to a mono slush... billions of billions of molecules push down on my body with a phat consonance, a rhythm stick pounds on my head and a disconsonant mambamastic harmonic beat turns my brain to punk mush that makes me dream of empty, dusty bordellos.

I'll trade that phat low end for clear sinuses any day of the week! ;-)

Lately I've been finding some really neat used VFET Sony components in the Ukraine.... figures.
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So, go figure it out...
Drifting off topic, I know, but I believe it means that this virus, with all irpts mutations, illustrates just how hard it is to figure out. We looked at stars for thousands of years before Newton figured out a rational reason why some of them move around. We’ve had two and a half years of figuring out Covid, so I figure we’re doing pretty good.

Interesting side note, my wife has never tested positive.
I have had all three flavors of vaccine and one each boosters for Pfizer and Moderna.
I intend to get the BA4 and 5 modified boosters soon. In september I was sure I had covid because I had bronchitis but twice I tested negative.
Assuming the tests can be believed.

As a former ICU RN I would prefer to croak from almost anything OTHER than something that escaped from a Chinese research lab or wet market. And not in the unit if at all possible. There is almost no limit to the number of sharp implements they can and will stick you with.
Drifting off topic, I know, but I believe it means that this virus, with all irpts mutations, illustrates just how hard it is to figure out. We looked at stars for thousands of years before Newton figured out a rational reason why some of them move around. We’ve had two and a half years of figuring out Covid, so I figure we’re doing pretty good.

Interesting side note, my wife has never tested positive.
Inner space is as complex as the outer space.
The Wurlyscope has 8.1 channels.

i believe the the signal of the upper ceiling speakers could be fed thru side channel 7 & 8.

in a 5.1.2 configuration and a 7.1.2, using only one of the rear surround or a stereo to mono adapter.
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