Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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This was such a surprising thing to see as a disc after falling in love with it on streaming. Couldn’t order it fast enough.
I bought an Ohio Players DTS DVD-A from an eBay seller that specializes in SACD/DVD-A and Blu-rays) and he turned me on to this band and title specifically. I purchased directly from the Snarky Puppy website, and I'll be dammed if he wasn't speakin' tha truth on these dudes (they're actually a rather large ensemble)!
Still really digging this release!
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I'm still waiting for this to be orderable in the UK, I've tried on their site but when entering the address you need to put in a country but neither UK, GB, Wales, or England are included in that drop down list.
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I'm still waiting for this to be orderable in the UK, I've tried on their site but when entering the address you need to put in a country but neither UK, GB, Wales, or England are included in that drop down list.
Same here Sven...I check the usual outlets, with no joy... :(
So was I then I saw this post Snarky Puppy "Empire Central" - Atmos Blu-Ray!
So the current release is region locked :( and I don't have a region free player, and I'm not sure I need one as I rarely watch anything, just listen to music