Yes Ralphie, excellent to say the least.COWBOY JUNKIES WHITES OFF EARTH NOW!! [MoFi/Multi~CH SACD] AFAIK, the only non classical title from MoFi in SURROUND and IMO, a GREAT SUCCESS.
The Junkies cover tunes from Lightnin' Hopkins, Bruce Springsteen, Robert Johnson, Bukka White, John Lee Hooker and one Margo/Michael Timmins original. Am playing it on my new system and the sonics are EXTRAORDINARY .....
A MOFI MCH, you don't see too many of those.
I listened to this at work on my stereo Tidal and loved the music so I found a copy used on Amazon for $35.00.
Can't wait to hear it and can't wait to see some pictures of your growing little baby. PM me if you have pictures and text you would like to share.