1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
King Crimson - Red
you know Ralph, i may throw that flippin' Feliciano record on the bonfire -- its not so much sandpaper Quad as popping candy Quad! I've cleaned it umpteen times (if I wash that LP anymore in the machine I think the vinyl will evaporate its totally mirror shiny spanky clean!) and the crackles are still louder than the music on several of the tracks (authentic bonfire sounds they may be, not so much like the stunning RCA Feliciano recordings as I know them in 2-channel.. please DV rescue these Feliciano Quads from their shitty vinyl and eight track prisons!!).. I think I have one last resort (which my good man steelydave has advised in the past with these crackly old Quad records and I've not been brave enough to try it yet --- the wood glue trick! and if that doesn't work I'll wait it out for another copy and then if that's equally duff I'll give up! :violin: )
talking of buddies, have you heard from Clint..?????
Nosound - Teide 2390
I Like the music, but to my ears, this one is mixed and or mastered a bit hot. (not sure if the loudness, and sharp vocals are a function of mix or master)
The DR isn't really too great and I don't think it's that discreet honestly.
Well it is a live performance, so I wouldn't expect it to be quite as discrete as a studio recording.
King Crimson - Thrak [MLP 96/24 6ch DVD-A/V]
Too funny we just listened to that one too at about the same time but on the west coast.The Best of The Doors - SACD multi-channel
Back to Ryan Adams Gold DVD-A, this ends up in the OPPO way more than I ever imagined it would. Kept looking for it at a reasonable price only because it seemed like I needed it and it turns out to be a favorite.
Notice I say DVD-A/V because for the life of me - I can't remember how to know if what I have is Audio or Video....@: And if I recall, you can't tell very simply (looking at the physical disc)
I thought that most players always default to DVDA ?
(well at least mine do, default to DVDA, & SACD-MULTI)