Ok Gos 2.0...now that I have warned you here it is
Ok Gos 2.0...now that I have warned you...here it is
Oops, wrong poll my good man....I need A Farewell To Kings...that was Fly By Night.
Ok Gos 2.0...now that I have warned you here it is
Hehe - yeah I know. It's good.....not perfect. It will get a similar rating to the other Rush disc I rated......though it does generally sound better...a bit wider....not monumentally wider, but noticeable. First listen....love it. Cygnus X-1 is awesome....
OK, cool. Now the question is....will the poll title be edited to say DVD-A/Blu-Ray Audio??? I don't want to comment until that is resolved...
It will be...same as the other Rush titles have been...but waiting might be good for you..I'm worried about you getting flogged for your optimistic comments..I know how much you love Rush..
I really do....these discs are a dream come true...flawed maybe...but still excellent for what they are. Jam...they do...
21 guests....could it be the interest in Rush? lmao
I think in this case TIME has altered our opinions...well I know mine has been altered...I didn't like the Perception discs...and I really thought I wouldn't like Fly by Night but I did..it wasn't great but much better than I remember...but you have to realize that the "charts and graphs" posters will be on this poll...I know that's coming..so brace yourself...you voted 8 on Fly By Night which was probably close to what I would have voted...I haven't voted yet...I guess I'm still in denial that it even sounded that good...
Open Our Eyes on Q8. Oh, wait, that's my original copy. Better make that SACD 4.0. IMHO, their best album. Sounds great, less filling.
Must be my posse...or Snood's...he's got a huge following:walker
I think we all want the polls to generally represent our personal feelings...which many times they won't. I'm trying to not worry so much about the polls....but that being said, I'm gonna vote and put out my thoughts for the ones that mean the most to me. Can't help myself.
Very poor screen shot of Cygnus X-1 from Rush Blu-ray Audio...
hahahahaha - truer words were never spoken. And, on that note....I have to go off topic for 1 post. One of Clint's biggest side kicks died just recently....
Geoffrey Lewis...dies at 79.