New David Gilmour record Luck and Strange Sept. 6 2024 (Atmos BluRay)


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The Atmos mix is great, but I wouldn't say it's among the very best. The vocals in Luck and Strange are bit recessed. There's a nice low end foundation to the album as a whole, but it has a bit of a compressed sound to it. Like the dynamic range isn't quite there compared to OaI or RtL. Could just be me though.
I think you're right on the money with this assessment. Though the sound quality on the whole is very good - the drums in particular are nice and punchy, especially on the songs where it's Steve Gadd playing - there's a cluttered feeling to some of the louder passages (choruses to the title track, end rave-up to "The Piper's Call", that final solo in "Scattered", etc) that borders on harshness at times. It's not horrible, but does kinda spoil some of the more grandiose moments.

It'd be interesting to know who actually did the Atmos mix (I couldn't find a credit in the booklet). I found it more impressive than either of the classic '70s PF albums that James Guthrie has mixed, but still not as creative or playful as any of Steven Wilson's mixes or Ryan Ulyate's work on the Tom Petty catalog. The bulk of the instrumentation is in the front and side speakers, with the rears and heights used more subtly to add things like orchestration, backing vocals, big guitar reverb, etc. I love how you can hear those ghoulish choir vocals gradually creep in from the rear heights throughout "The Piper's Call." David's guitar solo at the end of "Between Two Points" is lifted up towards the front heights to great effect.

It's also worth noting that if you have wides (9.1.x), they get a lot of action in this mix. In the title track, Rick's electric piano and David's guitar are almost entirely isolated in those speakers.
L&S, the more I hear it the more I like it.
Caught a little buzz last night and played the Atmos mix thru twice.
I really love the mix and the use of the height channels makes for an impressive presentation.
No doubt it's a 10 for me, maybe higher if I can hack the pole. LOL
L&S, the more I hear it the more I like it.
Caught a little buzz last night and played the Atmos mix thru twice.
I really love the mix and the use of the height channels makes for an impressive presentation.
No doubt it's a 10 for me, maybe higher if I can hack the pole. LOL

I'm going to give it at least one more listen before voting. I'm guessing I will end up on a 9. The issues with the mix, while small, will likely keep it from a 10. I'm still really happy to have this music. Very good stuff.
Did I miss someone posting the Luck & Strange Tour Rehearsal YouTube? More like a run-through but pretty cool.
Wow, I didn't realize it was never linked here, I've read about it at a few other places.
I do agree it's more like a "run-thrugh" In many aspects it seemed they weren't trying to get things perfect,
just finding all their entry points, etc.
Wow, I didn't realize it was never linked here, I've read about it at a few other places.
I do agree it's more like a "run-thrugh" In many aspects it seemed they weren't trying to get things perfect,
just finding all their entry points, etc.
search on youtube as there was an actual concert done in a smaller venue this past week with lighting, etc. should give you an idea of what a full sized venue show would look like.
search on youtube as there was an actual concert done in a smaller venue this past week with lighting, etc. should give you an idea of what a full sized venue show would look like.
Two concerts actually in Brighton, I was there on the second day with my son.
Believe me I've been to many David's gigs and this one was among the best. His voice is obviously not what it was in 2006, but definitely better than in Pompeii during RTL tour.
Very strong setlist in the first half and a bit more irregular during second, but I can tell you we enjoyed every single moment of it.

Very strong setlist in the first half and a bit more irregular during second, but I can tell you we enjoyed every single moment of it.
Oh hell ya, I'd have thought I died and went to heaven, no matter Davids strength of voice.
Sadly I haven't been able to see him live since the 1994 Division Bell tour.

We'll see what the recorded version of the tour brings, I wouldn't be surprised if it is stronger than the Brighton clips I heard. He sounds much stronger on the L & S album.

but definitely better than in Pompeii during RTL tour.
Not his best work for sure but I hear little to complain about.
Listening to Coming Back To Life right now, a tuff one but not too shabby. ;)
Mine is the on the pickup point along with the Bowie, may be listening later tonight, but the weather is so nice here that it depends what get prioritized. Music inside, or beer and booze outside. :cool: 🍺🥃

I live in northern MN, USA which I assume is akin to living in Norway.

You always take the weather and beer and booze outside.

There will be plenty of indoor listening time this winter.

Of course easy for me to say as I don't yet own this album.
It was awesome indeed. I'm still pinching myself to make sure I didn't dream it
Well done for getting tickets. I was only able to join the waiting room about one minute after the tickets went on sale but with 4400 ahead didn't wait as there were only 3000 tickets in total for both gigs and I have a ticket for 9th October at the Royal Albert Hall and it did not really seem fair to deprived someone who might not have been able to get a ticket for one of the tour shows.

Did they operate identification for the ticket buyer? I secured tickets for me and three friends. The tour managers have made it a requirement that the buyer goes with photo ID. If, for any reason whatsoever, I am not able to go my friends cannot either. And there is no mechanism at all to transfer the tickets. Since buying I have gone on a diet, lost weight and increased my exercise to make sure I am fit enough to get into the Hall on the day! I'll probably collapse from nervous exhaustion in the foyer but at least my friends will be in!
Well done for getting tickets. I was only able to join the waiting room about one minute after the tickets went on sale but with 4400 ahead didn't wait as there were only 3000 tickets in total for both gigs and I have a ticket for 9th October at the Royal Albert Hall and it did not really seem fair to deprived someone who might not have been able to get a ticket for one of the tour shows.

Did they operate identification for the ticket buyer? I secured tickets for me and three friends. The tour managers have made it a requirement that the buyer goes with photo ID. If, for any reason whatsoever, I am not able to go my friends cannot either. And there is no mechanism at all to transfer the tickets. Since buying I have gone on a diet, lost weight and increased my exercise to make sure I am fit enough to get into the Hall on the day! I'll probably collapse from nervous exhaustion in the foyer but at least my friends will be in!
It was surreal, as normally is with Ticketmaster. I was around 2000 in the queue, but it emptied pretty fast and I accessed the sale. There were plenty of seats available and you could select any. And this is when fun began, as every time I chose two tickets I got an error saying that I couldn't leave any empty seat beside. After a while, I was able to randomly pick two available seats and put them in the cart.
When clicking on payment, I always got a message saying that seats were not available. That meant I needed to delete from the cart one by one the selected seats and try again choosing another two random seats.
After 20 minutes repeating over and over the same stupid project, I gave up but didn't close the browser.
5 minutes later I decided to try for the very last time as I had to start a meeting and it all went through and was able to pay. My stress level was rocket high at that point...
Tickets were only electronic and a unique code was generated in your mobile every time you opened them, so unless you handed over your cellular to another person, it was impossible to transfer them.
No ID asked at the venue doors, just the codes were scanned.
Very unpleasant purchasing experience, as always with TM.
But it was worth, undoubtedly!
New album seems ok. Atmos mix is pretty static, but suits the music and sounds good. This is a Gilmour solo record, after all, and not some psychedelic, atmospheric Floyd album. Title track and the one with his daughter singing seem to be the best tunes. Need to listen to it a few more times to let it sink in.
For me I've found the more I play this L & S album, the more I like it. And thinking back the same could be said for just about every release post Waters.
OTOH The Final Cut is my least fav PF album and I've found no love for any of Waters solo albums?
Go Figure ? LOL