New Mystery Title Due Out Before Christmas 2024


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I so want it to be this:


Celebrating its 50th anniversary in September.
I so want it to be this:

View attachment 107300

Celebrating its 50th anniversary in September.
I was just playing this album earlier on LP.

I was thinking that not only would I love a surround mix, but it could use a remix, period. Always an album I thought was a bit less hi-fi sounding than it should/could be.
Well since Quad was mentioned that narrows the years down at least. All I got right now.
Whom from the Quad years is still making records or at least actively working/touring?
But I'm going with Aerosmith. Pick a title.
Quad was mentioned but he said "quad or any other (sub)mersive mix" (I presume he meant immersive)

So it's not limited to a quad-era title. In my reading, anyway.
Well since Quad was mentioned that narrows the years down at least. All I got right now.
Whom from the Quad years is still making records or at least actively working/touring?
But I'm going with Aerosmith. Pick a title.
I doubt that it would be Aerosmith. They had three quad releases and I don't recall any musing about other titles. Not being an Aerosmith fan the only title I might hope for would be the first album. I lost interest after "Toys".

BTW I didn't even like like Aerosmith at first, my brother and his friend played "Rocks" and "Get Your Wings" quite often; played them to death actually. Later on I was blown away by the Quad mixes of both of those titles! I bought them only because they were Quad, and was not disappointed!
It would help if we knew approximately where the OP resides because this may be another clue as to which artists it may be. In other words, if the OP resides in England / Europe vs The United States, or other country, this could help narrow it down a bit. No?
About right now, anything would be a clue. Not much to go on at all.

It's a long way to December.