The QQ pet & critters thread...


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The Big Staredown! This is about as close as Ms. Charlotte and Katt have been. Although all doors are now open, and Katt can go upstairs and Ms Charlotte can go downstairs, they choose to stay on their respective floors. Maybe someday soon . . .
Cassie has been gone about 5 years I think.

My cocker has been gone since 1986 and I only had him for the last 5 years of his life. I still think about him often, and the other pets that came after. It doesn't take much time for their souls to bond with yours, and they stay with you forever.
The Big Staredown! This is about as close as Ms. Charlotte and Katt have been. Although all doors are now open, and Katt can go upstairs and Ms Charlotte can go downstairs, they choose to stay on their respective floors. Maybe someday soon . . .
View attachment 107419

That looks like an Atmos view; perhaps @Clement is channelling the "The Voice of God"?
Quoted from The Week:

"An Indonesian woman was killed and swallowed whole last week by a 30-foot reticulated python. The 36-year-old mother of five, identified as Sirati - many Indonesians use just one name - had set out on a jungle path to meet her brother and buy medicine for one of her children. When she didn't show up, her husband, Adiansa, retraced her route and found a massive snake near the trail with what police called a "very large" lump in its belly and legs protruding from its mouth. Aidansa killed the snake with a wooden stake and called other villagers to help retrieve the body. Why such killings are rare, this was the second time a python has swallowed someone in a month in South Sulawesi province."
