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I found the answer by myself. These chinese dont say anything, but a review showed clear, that there is no app. And furthermore, the players dont have WLAN.
That remote you got is the same one I have for my Taiwanese 205 player. It's a little bit different than the original US model and it won't light up automatically.. instead there's an actual button. It also is missing a small feature I can't quite remember compared to the US version.

You can tell it's not for the US because there's buttons for streaming app that don't exist on those players!
That remote you got is the same one I have for my Taiwanese 205 player. It's a little bit different than the original US model and it won't light up automatically.. instead there's an actual button. It also is missing a small feature I can't quite remember compared to the US version.

You can tell it's not for the US because there's buttons for streaming app that don't exist on those players!
Which remote control is this?
Hi Oppo folks,
I use a 105D and a 105. I have been digitizing (converting to flac) my dts/dvd/sacd/blu-ray's and with the blu-rays I download the 48-24 TrueHD (Atmos) mix as well as the 5.1 and/or 4.0 mixes. The 5.1,4.0,2.0 flac files play fine but the TrueHD flac files do not. This is straight from a 5TB hard drive via the USB on the front of my Oppo. Have any of you run into the same issue and, if so, have you found a workaround?
And, before you answer: just connect with a laptop and use JRiver - yes, I know I can play these files with JRiver and a laptop but I'd rather not introduce a laptop if I don't have to.
The 5.1,4.0,2.0 flac files play fine but the TrueHD flac files do not. This is straight from a 5TB hard drive via the USB on the front of my Oppo. Have any of you run into the same issue and, if so, have you found a workaround?
I believe that's why @sjcorne and IAA package TrueHD Atmos within Matroska Video (.mkv) files. Those are much better supported for Atmos playback than FLAC.
I believe that's why @sjcorne and IAA package TrueHD Atmos within Matroska Video (.mkv) files. Those are much better supported for Atmos playback than FLAC.
Agreed when ripping Atmos I leave as mkv rather than converting to flac and they play fine.

The 5.1,4.0,2.0 flac files play fine but the TrueHD flac files do not. This is straight from a 5TB hard drive via the USB on the front of my Oppo. Have any of you run into the same issue and, if so, have you found a workaround?

I also rip the TrueHD stream to MKV files but then convert those to MKA format. I use MKVToolNix for this. Doing so strips out the video data and results in a much smaller file. The Oppo 205 plays these MKA files just fine (set to bitstream,) and I've had no problem with my Marantz AVR recognizing the Atmos stream.