Peter Gabriel I/O (2CD/Blu-Ray with Dolby Atmos mix out 12/1!)


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While you wait: how about Jonathan's interview with Hans-Martin Buff?
Great to hear him speak frankly about Apple. And fascinating to know that not only has he not referenced the stereo mixes, he hasn't even heard them! (Also: 3D audio isn't about "mixing," it's about music. I like this guy!)
Wonderful interview, for once the Atmos deployment strategy is kind of explained, specially in its relation with headspeakers.
What I didn't like to read is that final sequencing and hence mastering of the album seems not being complete yet, so chances for it to be released in 2023 are very small (at least that is my interpretation)
While you wait: how about Jonathan's interview with Hans-Martin Buff?
I'm not impressed by his thoughts and approach in the interview.
To expect a single Atmos or any other immersive codec. to produce a perfect rendering
with headphones and all the various speaker configurations is to me naive. Initially Atmos
was created to deliver a 3d immersive listening experience at the movies using multiple discrete speaker positions. At home with music this is still the best way to experience it and where it can produce excellent results with good source material.
Streaming, whether by Apple or anyone else, involves compromise due to induced bandwidth limitations. Until they come around to streaming in a lossless manner as they did a few years back with 2ch material, streaming will always be a second tier immersive option.
And as in years past with 2ch, it is best used as a preview before deciding to invest in purchasing a lossless copy whether optical or download. (when available).
I do hate to see a engineer bashing Apple for what they do, it's not perfect but without them what would we have? A big part of the explosion in Atmos/immersive music mixing is thanks to what Apple brought to streaming just a couple short years ago. God Bless them for that!.
IMHO the best immersive experience on headphones would be best served by a separate binaural mix but for now we're more than lucky to have the one. But to expect a single codec like Atmos to give best results with all end user choices is asking WAY too much.
IMHO the best immersive experience on headphones would be best served by a separate binaural mixā€¦
I think maybe you misinterpreted his thoughts, as thatā€™s exactly what he was advocating for:
Iā€™m hoping that in the future, youā€™ll be able to switch between mixes. If itā€™s important for you to have a binaural mix, you should be able to create a customized version that never changes and pack that into whatever immersive codec is being used (Dolby Atmos, MPEG-H, Auro-3D, etc), so your player can pick the right never-changing mix when youā€™re wearing headphones.

Iā€™d like to bounce a dedicated two-channel file with all the binaural cues baked in, and from there the codec should be able to detect when the listener is using headphones and automatically switch to that format.
I think maybe you misinterpreted his thoughts, as thatā€™s exactly what he was advocating for:
OK, fair enough, much of his writing confuses me.
Can you explain this comment to me,

"When I started working with 3D audio, there were always three questions: 1) Who can hear it? 2) How are we going to get it to the listeners? and 3) Whereā€™s the music?
The first two questions have been answered by this alliance among Dolby, Apple, and the record labels. Itā€™s going to be in Atmos, and the main delivery format will be headphones."

Since when are headphones the main delivery format for Atmos.
They don't hand out headphones in the theater.
It's best and designed use is over a multich speaker system.
If they wanted a binaural headphone system, that should be something else.
OK, fair enough, much of his writing confuses me.
Can you explain this comment to me,

"When I started working with 3D audio, there were always three questions: 1) Who can hear it? 2) How are we going to get it to the listeners? and 3) Whereā€™s the music?
The first two questions have been answered by this alliance among Dolby, Apple, and the record labels. Itā€™s going to be in Atmos, and the main delivery format will be headphones."

Since when are headphones the main delivery format for Atmos.
They don't hand out headphones in the theater.
It's best and designed use is over a multich speaker system.
If they wanted a binaural headphone system, that should be something else.
What he's saying is that Dolby, Apple, and the record labels together have effectively decided that the main delivery format for Atmos music (not theater) will be headphones. They're assuming--no doubt correctly--that most subscribers of streaming services listen to music over headphones, either primarily or exclusively. And that's why mixers like him have to jump through so many hoops (and, in many cases, make certain compromises) in order to satisfy Apple that their mixes will sound good over Spatial Audio for Headphones.
What he's saying is that Dolby, Apple, and the record labels together have effectively decided that the main delivery format for Atmos music (not theater) will be headphones. They're assuming--no doubt correctly--that most subscribers of streaming services listen to music over headphones, either primarily or exclusively. And that's why mixers like him have to jump through so many hoops (and, in many cases, make certain compromises) in order to satisfy Apple that their mixes will sound good over Spatial Audio for Headphones.
That's disappointing to hear. :(
Lots of Peter Gabriel videos.

I have just discovered "The Peter Gabriel / Stability AI #DiffuseTogether competition that launched in April 2023."
DiffuseTogether AI video contest launches today -

There are several videos of I/O tracks there, the 1st prize, the 2nd, 3rd, etc. for the same tracks. With good explanations in the YouTube text comments about the video production.

I wonder if Steven Wilson did something like that (not necessarilly a contest), regarding other thread where some comment about YouTube videos not appearing in the Harmony Codex Blu-Ray.
Was able to see the tour for this album- thanks to the generosity of @James_in_VA! Really enjoyed the show and liked what I heard of i/o a lot. Looking forward to the album release (haven't streamed any of the songs so last night was my first exposure). Hoping for a BD w/ Atmos (though I don't have that set-up, but want it for those who do) and 5.1 mixes.
I am an old and grumpy fellow that is basically refusing to take this work seriously until it's out in its complete form.

My respect for Gabriel knows no limit but I seriously, seriously dislike this way of releasing an album. I know he wants to follow the trends, he's always done that. But if I can't have an *album* from him, I'll wait till I can.
A nice update, if you read till the very end of his mail: "We know many of you are awaiting news of the album release and we hope to bring that to you very soon"
Yup. That's the only thing I read with interest. To be clear: I am saving these emails. I am interested in what Peter has got to say about his work. I just want to liste to it in its complete form.
All due respect. PG doesn't follow trends and releasing a song on each full moon isn't a trend. It is the art and the complete form. The passage of time is inherent to the music and vice versa.
To each their own, but he is releasing the songs the way he wants to.
This release schedule has, honestly been fun, if not strange. Iā€™m reminded of the times that They Might Be Giants have brought back their Dial-A-Song project, and put out a song a week (which you could hear by calling their numberā€¦ or checking their YouTube), which has always been the most fun, and creative way Iā€™ve seen of releasing music.
This release schedule has, honestly been fun, if not strange. Iā€™m reminded of the times that They Might Be Giants have brought back their Dial-A-Song project, and put out a song a week (which you could hear by calling their numberā€¦ or checking their YouTube), which has always been the most fun, and creative way Iā€™ve seen of releasing music.
Dial-a-Song! Just this afternoon I was listening to a compilation CD I burned about 15 years ago...

Those were the days.