Peter Gabriel I/O (2CD/Blu-Ray with Dolby Atmos mix out 12/1!)


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I am an old and grumpy fellow that is basically refusing to take this work seriously until it's out in its complete form.

My respect for Gabriel knows no limit but I seriously, seriously dislike this way of releasing an album. I know he wants to follow the trends, he's always done that. But if I can't have an *album* from him, I'll wait till I can.
Yeah I'm waiting for the whole album to be released too, this whole process is just annoying IMO. A couple teaser tracks a few weeks before an album release is fine, but a trail of bread crumbs a year long doesn't do it for me :)

And then when it is officially finished, you've already heard everything.
Heh yeah I lived around the corner from They Might Be Giants in Brooklyn in those days so it was a local call. It was a fun idea.

I think that, and releasing things piece by piece is, in the end, more fun or rewarding for the artist than listener in some cases, but certainly to each their own.
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2 more tracks , or 2 more months,'til the singles are over and we get the whole album. I feel proud that I haven't listened to a single track
It's been quite a journey so far. Very strong set of songs with only a couple of weaker ones. What's been really good is reading Peter's mails with the song and artwork background and then listening to them. I'd have preferred to get the full record in advance too, but I don't regret having listened to what was released untill now
It would be great if when this actually comes out in a physical product if his videos or at the very least transcripts of them were included in some form for posterity and perhaps more permanent than YouTube. I thought they were very insightful and we love to have it on I don't know a DVD or Blu-ray since Blu-ray should be accessible to most at this point. I'm hoping there's going to be some more music videos but not all the AI stuff we've been seeing I'd love to see some closer to what he used to do but who knows?
It's been quite a journey so far. Very strong set of songs with only a couple of weaker ones. What's been really good is reading Peter's mails with the song and artwork background and then listening to them. I'd have preferred to get the full record in advance too, but I don't regret having listened to what was released untill now
I'll have a lot of homework when the time comes. Catching up with all those emails and vids too hehe

Just like I just watched SW's videos and tik tok vids.
All due respect. PG doesn't follow trends and releasing a song on each full moon isn't a trend. It is the art and the complete form.
All due respect, I don't see much indicating that the full moon thing is anything more than a gimmick to periodically send updates to his mailing list.

What could probably be unclear from my messages is that I have the utmost respect for PG as an artist. I think he has been a musical genius and has remained one, since his Genesis days. This doesn't change the fact that releasing songs one every few weeks, while selling tickets for the upcoming tour under the "Full details on the i/o album will follow." promise was surely not the zenith of clarity and straightforwardness. Thank god I did not buy them, as I would have been *really* upset to go and watch a show in May, where music I had never had the chance to hear before was played. Some might enjoy that experience, it's just not me.

And I think it wouldn't have been too complex to explain that the concerts would happen with the album nowhere in sight yet.

In any case, I don't want to convince anyone. I will buy the album, probably in its most "deluxe" format available. I hopefully will enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed all of Gabriel's work since he started to record music. I am simply not happy / do not enjoy the way he has chosen to release this.
All due respect, I don't see much indicating that the full moon thing is anything more than a gimmick to periodically send updates to his mailing list.

What could probably be unclear from my messages is that I have the utmost respect for PG as an artist. I think he has been a musical genius and has remained one, since his Genesis days. This doesn't change the fact that releasing songs one every few weeks, while selling tickets for the upcoming tour under the "Full details on the i/o album will follow." promise was surely not the zenith of clarity and straightforwardness. Thank god I did not buy them, as I would have been *really* upset to go and watch a show in May, where music I had never had the chance to hear before was played. Some might enjoy that experience, it's just not me.

And I think it wouldn't have been too complex to explain that the concerts would happen with the album nowhere in sight yet.

In any case, I don't want to convince anyone. I will buy the album, probably in its most "deluxe" format available. I hopefully will enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed all of Gabriel's work since he started to record music. I am simply not happy / do not enjoy the way he has chosen to release this.

Bands have often toured new music before releasing it- or even recording it. Floyd did this. Yes did it- can you imagine hearing 4 20+ minute songs live you've never heard before? The Tales tour didn't go over well with a lot of fans, but some were blown away. I missed that but enjoyed the 3 songs from Magnification they played on the Symphonic tour before the album was released.

I think I generally prefer to be familiar with the music beforehand, but I really enjoyed the new music when I saw him in DC- thanks to James_in_VA. Looking forward to the album.
All due respect, I don't see much indicating that the full moon thing is anything more than a gimmick to periodically send updates to his mailing list.

What could probably be unclear from my messages is that I have the utmost respect for PG as an artist. I think he has been a musical genius and has remained one, since his Genesis days. This doesn't change the fact that releasing songs one every few weeks, while selling tickets for the upcoming tour under the "Full details on the i/o album will follow." promise was surely not the zenith of clarity and straightforwardness. Thank god I did not buy them, as I would have been *really* upset to go and watch a show in May, where music I had never had the chance to hear before was played. Some might enjoy that experience, it's just not me.

And I think it wouldn't have been too complex to explain that the concerts would happen with the album nowhere in sight yet.

In any case, I don't want to convince anyone. I will buy the album, probably in its most "deluxe" format available. I hopefully will enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed all of Gabriel's work since he started to record music. I am simply not happy / do not enjoy the way he has chosen to release this.
I also hesitated a bit about going to see Peter live, but in the end I did go because I'm not sure I'll get another chance. The show was very good and the only awkward moments for me (and I do think for the audience in general) were when Peter played the new songs that are slower/not so lively. The livelier new songs were great live; even without really knowing them.
Atmos mix for "This is Home".

Peter's latest update says that the physical release of the album will be in December, with more details coming soon. Here's the album cover:

Great to finally see some of the options that will be available. I wish the blu-ray included all three mixes of each song; missed opportunity there.
I'm also missing the small documentaries introduction each song and the singles artwork. I'd have really liked to have had that included on the Blu-ray, plus the fan made videos. But all in all I'm happy to pay 22 euros for the two CDs and the Blu-ray