RHINO QUADIO batch #6 - Speculation Extravaganza!


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It is going to be four rockers of sorts. Just a reminder in case folks have forgotten.

Now it's hitting 102, or 103 degrees in LA for the last day or two and the next few days as well. I can feel it for sure. I'm staying in and have the air on so it's fine. Oh, we're just dying out here on the west coast. I think I'm going to fix some iced tea to hold me over.

Anyway, I need one or a couple of those below types of hints to stew on, and take my mind off of the bad heatwave.

1. One was previously on a silver disc
2. One or even two not with WB, Atlantic, Elektra, or Asylum logos
3. One Atlantic
4. One Warner Bros.
5. Two Warner Bros.
6. or Two Atlantics (but one not on Atlantic Records)
7. None on a silver disc previously
8. One Asylum
9. Two never before released anywhere in quad!
10. Any included artists here having had a prior Quadio series release?
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Thanks to J. Pupster's intriguing album cover pics "speculation only" post above, I may have accidentally stumbled upon a way to 'crack the code' to determine what's coming in the next batch of QUADIO's from the fun folks at Rhino. Once Rhino announces, if this turns out to be correct, I'll share how I arrived at the titles. For now, I'll just share my picks:

Rod Stewart - Atlantic Crossing
Foghat - Energized
Jefferson Starship - Spitfire

Not sure about the 4th disc. The same methodology I applied above does not seem to work with the other albums pictured in his post. However, this method may well work in the near future for one of these titles in which case I will add it to my guess list.
Oh, please Rod, finally he broke down.....LOL>
What is SQ Prologic? Never heard of that one.
I no longer have that 4-channel receiver to check that out, long ago meltdown. I thought it had RM, QS, SQ logic(pro), I could be wrong here. Like I said switched over to Quad reel to reel tapes.
Going way off topic (again)...I photocopied an article in Billboard (sometime in 1974) about the Tate SQ logic decoding system, if the Tate tech could have been brought to the consumer market in 1975, things might have been different and the transition to quad might have happened (the QSI-5022 CD-4 IC was talked about in 1973 and brought to market in 1974).

and now...back to the regularly scheduled Rhino Quadio Batch 6 speculation...

Kirk Bayne
It’s another hot mutha F’r today. And last night I decided to take a drive somewhere but no particular place to go, just get out of the house. I get out there to the car and had a flat tire from a nail. So I had to deal with that first thing in the morning. But got taken care of swiftly. I’m sitting at Starbucks now soaking up their wonderful cold air conditioning. (Edit). It hit 106 today!

So yeah, like I’m still very jazzed about this in coming batch, and maybe the most excited since that bundle number 1 which was earth shaking to say the least.

Prolly won’t get any clues until four weeks before release date at the earliest. So I’m going to spin some Quadios later today and just be happy with what I’ve got right now. AWB and Duke Ellington seems like a couple hot ones for late afternoon playing. Gotta play Bread again too.
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I would absolutely love for Rhino to release both Spitfire and Dragonfly to complete the Quad(io) trifecta with Red Octopus! Here's hoping Foraging Rhino is taking notes re:the interest in these titles.:sneaky:
Grade A quad titles. It all comes down to when they decide to feature an album from an artist who has previously been represented on a Quadio release. My gut feeling is that they are not there just yet. And I’m never wrong. (joking)
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I no longer have that 4-channel receiver to check that out, long ago meltdown. I thought it had RM, QS, SQ logic(pro), I could be wrong here. Like I said switched over to Quad reel to reel tapes.
It would have been SQ full logic. Dolby used the term pro logic. RM and QS are related, the receiver would of had one or the other, not likely two settings. A lot of receivers had very poor decoders in them, just as the technology started to improve quad was largely abandoned.:mad:

Reel to reel quad tapes were great sound wise but expensive and inconvenient to use.

For me a quad decoder of some type has always been a must, how else do you enhance those stereo sources?
Grade A quad titles. It all comes down to when they decide to feature an album from an artist who has previously been represented on a Quadio release. My gut feeling is that they are not there just yet. And I’m never wrong. (joking)
Is there any way outside the company that we might know how well RED OCTOPUS sold? Highest on the charts at the time, but not especially the old Kantner - Slick - Balin crowds' favorite (too popular, perhaps). It's a shame the follow-up after SPITFIRE, EARTH, was not Quadio, as it was a deliberate "Air / Water / Fire / Earth" collection there for the titles! <I'm assuming it was not Quadio, no one's mentioned it, and yes, it was a weaker follow-up>
Is there any way outside the company that we might know how well RED OCTOPUS sold? Highest on the charts at the time, but not especially the old Kantner - Slick - Balin crowds' favorite (too popular, perhaps). It's a shame the follow-up after SPITFIRE, EARTH, was not Quadio, as it was a deliberate "Air / Water / Fire / Earth" collection there for the titles! <I'm assuming it was not Quadio, no one's mentioned it, and yes, it was a weaker follow-up>

Spitfire and Earth did much better outside of the US than did Red Octopus!
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Is there any way outside the company that we might know how well RED OCTOPUS sold? Highest on the charts at the time, but not especially the old Kantner - Slick - Balin crowds' favorite (too popular, perhaps). It's a shame the follow-up after SPITFIRE, EARTH, was not Quadio, as it was a deliberate "Air / Water / Fire / Earth" collection there for the titles! <I'm assuming it was not Quadio, no one's mentioned it, and yes, it was a weaker follow-up>
#1 album, and double platinum. So over 2 million copies in the US alone.
I was thinking of the Quadios. If the Quadio RO did well, then more incentive for the others.
Yeah sure. Being good albums and sounding nice in quad is also important. I'm having a tough time thinking that Starship is coming next is all.
Too many other good quad albums from artists not yet represented in the series.
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