RHINO QUADIO batch #6 - Speculation Extravaganza!


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Thanks to J. Pupster's intriguing album cover pics "speculation only" post above, I may have accidentally stumbled upon a way to 'crack the code' to determine what's coming in the next batch of QUADIO's from the fun folks at Rhino. Once Rhino announces, if this turns out to be correct, I'll share how I arrived at the titles. For now, I'll just share my picks:

Rod Stewart - Atlantic Crossing
Foghat - Energized
Jefferson Starship - Spitfire

Not sure about the 4th disc. The same methodology I applied above does not seem to work with the other albums pictured in his post. However, this method may well work in the near future for one of these titles in which case I will add it to my guess list.
I am taking this post by ForagingRhino as a strong hint to one of the albums which feature Tommy Bolin will be part of this next batch:

Post by ForagingRhino
Yes! Nice find, @rjsauber! Using the same methodology, Billy Cobham - Spectrum works. I'm adding it as the 4th QUADIO to my list of what's in bundle #6.
I’m guessing a Deep Purple themed batch.

Miami and Spectrum for the Bolin connection.
Stormbringer for the, uh... Deep Purple connection.
And since Captain Beyond may not exist, my fourth pick is Mystic Moods, Highway One, because the name is kind of close to the song Highway Star. If you squint they look almost the same.

So there’s your Rock batch. Just ignore that only one is rock, one is jazz-fusion, one is easy listening, and one is rock that really wants to be funk.

I think I’ve cracked this one. Looking forward to October.
Whatever they come up with it’s going to be another exciting batch.

Ya’ll gotta love the four bundle concept as much as the Quadio discs themselves.
I am taking this post by ForagingRhino as a strong hint to one of the albums which feature Tommy Bolin will be part of this next batch:

Post by ForagingRhino
A classic Jazz / Rock Fusion album there!

I wondered if any of them will be repeated disc releases or artists represented once already on a Quadio. Those would be hints that narrow it down somewhat.

I’ve already mentioned the four ones that I have hopes for next, but I’d love to be surprised with something quite unexpected and unknown, or just a good rare one.
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Fixed it for you. ;)
Isn't it great these quad re-releases let us be adolescent white boys again? 🤣

I seem to have grown out of it, and have a strong preference for the more diverse titles outside of the over-played material from 50+ years of AOR FM radio.

I sold my Alice Cooper unopened, and spun Paranoid exactly once. 🤔
Different strokes for different folks, as Sly Stone, who crashed & burned in the AOR 70s sang.

The following is from the new book "3+3" by Darrell M. McNeil.


View attachment 108873

Copyrighted material quoted for historical context:

Hendrix's station in the rock Pantheon remains indelible eover half a century after his death, but his passing brought unforeseen consequences:
with the popularization of FM radio and demographically separated formats, the cultural barriers for music solidified, segregating audiences by race, gender, age, region, and class, more so than music genre or style.

Rock stations purged Black artists from their playlists and Black stations purged rock music.
As the last emissary to traverse these barriers, Hendrix's death stifled any recognition of Black American culture-- all that made a Jim Hendrix possible-- as the source material of rock.

Radio analyst [and rock critic] Ken Tucker explains:
"[Album Oriented Rock] stations offered the kind of music their surveys told them appealed to-
'white males between the ages of thirteen and twenty-five.'

The stations that played it consequently '
narrowed the very definition of rock and roll:
by AOR guidelines, Black artists didn't play it, and neither did women."
Here's a podcast with McNeill, who is (among other things) Director of Operations of the Black Rock Coalition:

Thanks to J. Pupster's intriguing album cover pics "speculation only" post above, I may have accidentally stumbled upon a way to 'crack the code' to determine what's coming in the next batch of QUADIO's from the fun folks at Rhino. Once Rhino announces, if this turns out to be correct, I'll share how I arrived at the titles. For now, I'll just share my picks:

Rod Stewart - Atlantic Crossing
Foghat - Energized
Jefferson Starship - Spitfire

Not sure about the 4th disc. The same methodology I applied above does not seem to work with the other albums pictured in his post. However, this method may well work in the near future for one of these titles in which case I will add it to my guess list.
Yeah, I'd like that Rod disc too, as far as Jefferson Starship I would love Blows Against The Empire but I don't think it was ever released in QUAD.
Thanks to J. Pupster's intriguing album cover pics "speculation only" post above, I may have accidentally stumbled upon a way to 'crack the code' to determine what's coming in the next batch of QUADIO's from the fun folks at Rhino. Once Rhino announces, if this turns out to be correct, I'll share how I arrived at the titles. For now, I'll just share my picks:

Rod Stewart - Atlantic Crossing
Foghat - Energized
Jefferson Starship - Spitfire

Not sure about the 4th disc. The same methodology I applied above does not seem to work with the other albums pictured in his post. However, this method may well work in the near future for one of these titles in which case I will add it to my guess list.
Even if you turn out to be incorrect I’d like to know how you came up with your methodology.

And if your method was onto something real, I’m left wondering why the forth disc remains unnamed? Your insight should hold.

I’m thinking that a repeated artist will not happen for another round or two. But I like that Starship album for the great sound quality and half the songs.
Even if you turn out to be incorrect I’d like to know how you came up with your methodology.

And if your method was onto something real, I’m left wondering why the forth disc remains unnamed? Your insight should hold.

I’m thinking that a repeated artist will not happen for another round or two. But I like that Starship album for the great sound quality and half the songs.
Well, I was going to hold off until Rhino makes their official announcement, but since people are asking...

First off, how I came up with the four titles has nothing to do with any leaks or inside information, of which I definitely have none. The "methodology" is solely based on simple observation and something I found that shows there is (quite possibly just a coincidental) link between the four albums.

As originally mentioned, while looking at J.Pupster's speculative post with his composite image of album covers for potential inclusion in QUADIO bundle #6, I wanted to refresh myself with the individual album track lists of his various picks. I did a quick Google search and ended up at YouTube. And, that's where it happened. I didn't notice it at first. But, once I did, I discovered there is a common thread that seems to connect all four of the albums. Each of their "official" album link lists has been "updated by Rhino" within the past 7-14 days. YouTube Premium doesn't indicate what the update is, but I suspect it may mean something. Why would one Starship album listing get a Rhino update on Youtube while the other one hasn't been touched in a decade? The same goes for the titles I didn't select. No Rhino YouTube updates in 10 plus years.

Lastly, rjstauber and his post is how I came up with the 4th album in my projected QUADIO bundle, Billy Cobham - Spectrum. You guessed it, also recently "updated by Rhino" on YouTube.

So, there you have it. Like I say, this may all just be some random coincidence. We will know for certain when Rhino makes their official announcement. In the meantime, let the speculation continue. Excelsior!
As originally mentioned, while looking at J.Pupster's speculative post with his composite image of album covers for potential inclusion in QUADIO bundle #6, I wanted to refresh myself with the individual album track lists of his various picks. I did a quick Google search and ended up at YouTube. And, that's where it happened. I didn't notice it at first. But, once I did, I discovered there is a common thread that seems to connect all four of the albums. Each of their "official" album link lists has been "updated by Rhino" within the past 7-14 days. YouTube Premium doesn't indicate what the update is, but I suspect it may mean something. Why would one Starship album listing get a Rhino update on Youtube while the other one hasn't been touched in a decade? The same goes for the titles I didn't select. No Rhino YouTube updates in 10 plus years.

Lastly, rjstauber and his post is how I came up with the 4th album in my projected QUADIO bundle, Billy Cobham - Spectrum. You guessed it, also recently "updated by Rhino" on YouTube.

So, there you have it. Like I say, this may all just be some random coincidence. We will know for certain when Rhino makes their official announcement. In the meantime, let the speculation continue. Excelsior!
Re Spectrum, see also post #22 of this thread:
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Maybe Ghandarva will be the fourth disc. Thought FR said it would be done.

Will the Rhino Spectrum be worth double dipping for if you already have the AF version?
He stated that the quad tapes are there (and sound really great) for Ghandarva!

The AF disc (of Spectrum) is really good imo. The eventual Quadio release will be mostly of benefit for those that missed out on that SACD. It was run of 2.000 units, and could have sold 4,000 easy. Which means Rhino can easily move three times that 2k no problem. AF underestimated the demand for a major classic fusion album, and a previously unissued quad mix of said album. Maybe they figured that the older DVD-A had sapped a portion of the demand for this in surround, and thus decided to go light on the pressing run to their own detriment.
So if one already owns that AF SACD, I'd say this is a wait and see, and read comparisons. I unloaded both my SACD copies when the prices hit the stratosphere a year or so ago. btw, I don't think this album is coming up in next batch. I think it's going to be considered the "jazz" title in a future four-bundle batch.
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Maybe Ghandarva will be the fourth disc. Thought FR said it would be done.

Will the Rhino Spectrum be worth double dipping for if you already have the AF version?
I would LOVE for Gandharva to finally be released but if they do re~release SPECTRUM hopefully it will be a bona fide ATMOS BD~A remix/remaster for those of us who do have the original MLP DVD~A 5.1 and the Audio Fidelity multichannel SACD!
If Spectrum is eventually done (as it rightly should be), I would definitely buy a Quadio version but would much prefer to hold out for a BR disc with everything: Atmos, 5.1, Quad, & Hi-res Stereo. This album absolutely deserves that treatment. That one, my friends, would sell faster, better, and much cheaper than Oasis tickets. :)
So, there you have it. Like I say, this may all just be some random coincidence. We will know for certain when Rhino makes their official announcement. In the meantime, let the speculation continue. Excelsior!
I will do a fist-pump and jump in the air (so much for relaxing with COVID) if SPITFIRE is the choice! Oh man, "St. Charles" and "Ozymandias -> Sun" will be glorious in surround. And that opening wail of Grace's on "Dance with the Dragon" and its Kantner "let's march!" rhythm -- oooohhh. . . .

Grace is far more reserved after this album, and never quite got back into the R&R groove, seems to me, going a bit more "pop LA." Hopefully DRAGONFLY will be next (Marty's "Caroline" was his peak solo, methinks).
I will do a fist-pump and jump in the air (so much for relaxing with COVID) if SPITFIRE is the choice! Oh man, "St. Charles" and "Ozymandias -> Sun" will be glorious in surround. And that opening wail of Grace's on "Dance with the Dragon" and its Kantner "let's march!" rhythm -- oooohhh. . . .

Grace is far more reserved after this album, and never quite got back into the R&R groove, seems to me, going a bit more "pop LA." Hopefully DRAGONFLY will be next (Marty's "Caroline" was his peak solo, methinks).
Spitfire & Dragonfly are my favourites as well, though Spitfire is top of the list
I would definitely prefer Dragonfly, with Caroline and Ride the Tiger being the best tracks. I assume Spitfire sold more units back in the day, as it was the follow-up to the mega hit. So I wouldn’t be surprised if Rhino picked it first.

I really have no interest in that Foghat album so I’m hoping Uncle Obscure is wrong on his picks.
I'm almost 100 per cent certain that this next batch will contain

Foghat Energized (an unreleased quad fwiw)
James Gang Miami

but I'm rather uncertain of the next two...

Deep Purple Stormbringer
J Geils Bloodshot (an unreleased quad fwiw)

But would very much like , in order :

Jackson Browne Late For The Sky
Rod Stewart Atlantic Crossing (an unreleased quad fwiw)
James Taylor Gorilla
Billy Cobham Spectrum

Browne and Taylor may be considered as singer/songwriters, and Cobham may be considered as Jazz , but all of these albums tend to rock out for my tastes.