Simply random stuff


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Do you make enough for TWO, Clinty????????

BTW, FAST FOOD ain't cheap anymore ..... nor are local diners.....and hardly ANY are still open 24 hours! Sad that the prices are WAAAYYYY UP and at least in this part of the country the QUALITY is WAAAY Down!

Hopefully, in my next life I'll be a gourrmet chef like you! 👨‍🍳
Totally agree with 2nd paragraph. :(
Totally agree with 2nd paragraph. :(
You mean the part where MQA CDs become the NEW standard for all future CD replication, SW?????

HUH [again] ?????????
Whoopty Doo....

Hello from CDJapan
We are sending you this email to inform you about the recent update on DHL's shipping charges.
As of August 7, 2023 DHL's shipping charge has been lowered due to the end of Emergency Situation Surcharge (ESS).
New shipping charge applies for all orders you place on and after August 7, 2023.
If you placed your order before this date, we will uphold the shipping charge, but if any modification (including cancellation for any reason) or addition is made after this date, the new shipping charge will automatically apply.
Best regards.

So I wonder who got on DHL's case to stop ripping people off?
Whoopty Doo....

Hello from CDJapan
We are sending you this email to inform you about the recent update on DHL's shipping charges.
As of August 7, 2023 DHL's shipping charge has been lowered due to the end of Emergency Situation Surcharge (ESS).
New shipping charge applies for all orders you place on and after August 7, 2023.
If you placed your order before this date, we will uphold the shipping charge, but if any modification (including cancellation for any reason) or addition is made after this date, the new shipping charge will automatically apply.
Best regards.

So I wonder who got on DHL's case to stop ripping people off?
I received the same email. My most recent order from CD Japan consisted of 5 items......four were in cardboard sleeves and only one SHM~SACD came in a plastic CD case......DHL s/h was $29 ...roughly $6 per disc. Of course CDJapan's packaging was first rate, as usual but hopefully, that will change with the lowered DHL s/h costs. Thankfully, I did have about 2500 CDJapan bonus points which did help defray the cost of s/h but in previous years, those points would've effectively reduced the price of the discs themselves ..... and not DHL's excessive s/h fees!
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just got home from Mackinac Island Michigan. Amazing little island. Just a few sights at the moment. St. Ann's Church ( 1743 ) , this version built in 1874 and still in use. And The Grand Hotel ----------steeped in history. One goes 'back in time' when there. On the island - no cars and no motorcyles and / or electric bikes are allowed. Its strictly horses and bikes


That is impressive, Ricky. But be thankful you are not traveling with Mrs. Surround. She's seems to always get us into trekking 6 to 7 miles a day. Ouch!
Ouch is right !!

But - thankful we are in the shape at our age to be able to do this. We would have walked more but its an inefficient travel method.
No. Cbmmm3 and I in a PM were reminicing about the movie with Christopher Reeves SOMEWHERE IN TIME which prominently featured The Grand Hotel as backdrop!

Would love to visit one day! Supposedly the most beautiful Island in the Midwest on Lake Huron!

Very interesting movie. But if I could use hypnosis to wish myself back in time, it would be to early 1963 at The Cavern Club to see the Fab Four. Ain't no romantic fantasy that could compete with that!!!
Georgous pic! Is it Mackinac Island or Macinaw? Beautiful pics. No cars except for emergency & other official vehicles. So then, how was the cell phone connection??
Hi Sonik
Its Mackinac Island and Mackinaw City. Mackinaw City is mainland and the island is what it is. The cell phone service is wonderful. The island is serviced by horses. Over 800 of them. A weird sign of the times is watching horse drawn freight trailers with tons of Amazon boxes on the load