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oh shit, Bezo's already capitalizing on this !!!!!!!!

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" forward to today and it is mules, horses and drones(not to be confused with Planes,Trains and Automobiles with John Candy)

I know a lot of people don't like Bezo....IMO he's the Tony Stark of retail...without the substance abuse problems...I think some of these things are cool....why not have a little fun along with commerce...
I like how Amazon took a play from TicketBastard. You know how they started their own scalper side companies and they sell the tickets to scalpers who are really owned by them to begin with now?

Amazon turned into the bootleg and faux product king initially. Then they started creating their own "3rd party" bootleg companies to sell to themselves. It's sure something to watch!

Actually I don't like any of this. Amazon = bootleg now and I wouldn't even consider buying anything from them anymore.
Very interesting movie. But if I could use hypnosis to wish myself back in time, it would be to early 1963 at The Cavern Club to see the Fab Four. Ain't no romantic fantasy that could compete with that!!!
Yeah, and you'd be goading the band to play something from Sergeant Pepper?

Beatles 1962 Auditions - The Woodstock Whisperer/Jim Shelley

Sergeant Who, Joisey BOY?
Very interesting movie. But if I could use hypnosis to wish myself back in time, it would be to early 1963 at The Cavern Club to see the Fab Four. Ain't no romantic fantasy that could compete with that!!!
Are you serious about 1963? How did people survive back realize there were no shipping notices back then...savages they were:whistle: