Simply random stuff


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here is my wife sneaking up on a fawn at my dads today. dad tells us this lil guy loves to nap at the pond right next to the lawn chairs

Same here! Never heard of this before and I'm a life-long Trekkie!
So many clever chuckles & quite a few LOL moments. I might reveal too much but I just gotta say the comic book store with Claire is one of the most geeky & sensual scenes I've ever seen in a movie. Not sure where it's streaming but I have it on plain 'ol DVD & I must watch tonight.
Where at?
This is Eagle Lake, about 25 miles west of Kalamazoo.
My water-skiing and power boat paradise for close to 50 years.
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Hi Sal
very familiar with Eagle Lake. Used to go past there for business alot. And delivered product there for construction projects. Its a nice lake !
Eagle is about 2 hours south of where my pic is. Rustford Michigan
Almost had my first clean game (damn that 10 pin!), but i did bowl my new high game this morning! Woo hoo!
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Sadly two out of the three lanes in my town have closed. The one remaining is quite a distance away. Many memories of bowling with my Dad and then with my Kids. :(
This here is a young George Coony. Used a small piece of pizza (from dinner) and for desert a couple big ol' marshmallows. He couldn't resist. (they usually can't) Kathy heard the trap slam shut while she was at the kitchen window doing dishes last night. This is number two of the very latest clowns tearing the property, lawn etc up. An old, mostly empty barn on the property line brings in a lot of different critters over the years. We've dealt with a lot of coons, 3 or 4 skunks ( one was sick , rabies?) and a badger that I decided not to mess with. Have a great evening~ Mike
We had racoons all the time in Virginia, not to mention severa l other species of wildlife, since our lot “backed to trees.” Now we mostly get mallards and Canada geese. I saw one badger earlier this year.

Racoons - cats with hands. We did a lot of coon-proofing our bird feeders.
Coons have never been a problem in my woods. I do get Deer grazing in the very back, where there are 40 acres of pines behind my property. I also get Does resting out in the woods near the house.
We do have a very large squirrel population, they and the Armadillos do the most destruction here. We have a large Cardinal population, and in the summer there is always a Red male Tanager and a Yellow female companion we look forward to seeing at our birdbaths.

A gopher tortoise took up residence in my driveway a few years ago. I just put up a few bamboo poles to mark the entrance to the hole so people don't run into it and break something.

One of the dogs goes nuts every time he sees a gopher tortoise (actually we just call them "gophers" here) barks and barks until I have to bring him in the house to shut him up, lol.

About 30 years ago at night, I was just slowing down to turn in my driveway and hit a coyote. There's not many here, but I hear one at night sometimes.