Simply random stuff


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The heat index was 116 today (thermometer hit 98). Too hot to sit home and listen to music, so i headed to the bowling alley. My father encouraged me to buy a new Lane Master 2-piece ball. It was supposed to be drilled by tomorrow at 2 pm; the driller saw me bowling this afternoon and told me he finished early, so i took it for a spin. Yeah, baby–my new high score!
The heat index was 116 today (thermometer hit 98). Too hot to sit home and listen to music, so i headed to the bowling alley. My father encouraged me to buy a new Lane Master 2-piece ball. It was supposed to be drilled by tomorrow at 2 pm; the driller saw me bowling this afternoon and told me he finished early, so i took it for a spin. Yeah, baby–my new high score!
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Very good, Clement! Now get going to eliminate results like frames 3 and 5. :ROFLMAO:
Very good, Clement! Now get going to eliminate results like frames 3 and 5. :ROFLMAO:
Right!?! When i have bowling nightmares, they always star the 10 pin! My new goal is a clean game. I won't post another bowling score until it's a clean game. After that, only a perfect game and an 800 series . . . so that may be the last bowling score i post here! :rolleyes:🎳:rolleyes:
Right!?! When i have bowling nightmares, they always star the 10 pin! My new goal is a clean game. I won't post another bowling score until it's a clean game. After that, only a perfect game and an 800 series . . . so that may be the last bowling score i post here! :rolleyes:🎳:rolleyes:
No, no, no. If you get a score above 214 I would like to see it posted here. And regarding a clean game, if you get 10 strikes in a row and then your last two balls amount to 9, that technically wouldn't be a clean game, but it would be an amazing final score.
The heat index was 116 today (thermometer hit 98). Too hot to sit home and listen to music, so i headed to the bowling alley. My father encouraged me to buy a new Lane Master 2-piece ball. It was supposed to be drilled by tomorrow at 2 pm; the driller saw me bowling this afternoon and told me he finished early, so i took it for a spin. Yeah, baby–my new high score!
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Over arm or under arm bowling with spin? :ROFLMAO:
I went to my Dad's grave site today, first time in decades. He died Jan 13 1983, the same day, the same hospital, 4 hours apart from my first born Vanessa.
Heavy day, I felt more sadness for my Dad, then joy for my daughter, of course as I didn't know her yet.
His gravestone had a little chip at left bottom corner. The little cup in the dirt for flowers was filled with dirt.
I'm going back to wash his granite gravestone and fix the cup, bring some flowers and a little USA flag, he's not a vet, but they look cool.
He was 67 when he died, I am 67 now, 68 in October. He had a heart murmur.
My wife wants to get cremated and I don't.
There are two unmarked plots to the left of him. When I go back, I am going to ask if one is for sale?
Everyone in my family goes in the 80's and my Mom is still going strong at 91 in October this year, so God willing and the creek don't rise, I'm hoping for another solid 20-25 years.
It was very calming and peaceful in the cemetery. I was by myself.
Anyway, thanks for letting me share, he was a good Dad, born 1915, would be 108 this past Aug 10th.
well. we had 116 heat index in West Carlisle. and then everything got dark. Tornado sirens blaring. We got lucky but people northeast - and east - of Grand Rapids did not. They got the winds and tornados. 200k without power. The tornados continued east. Portland Mi . Lansing Mi, Flint MI. You can see this on the outage map. Northwest to Southeast storm track


  • Consumers Energy Outage Map.pdf
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100. This screenshot was before the higher heat index reading was recorded:
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I clearly remember a business trip around this time in August in 1990. I was walking along the Chicago river and I was impressed at the temperature which was wonderfully pleasant with low humidity. Obviously, I was fortunate because like everywhere else, shit happens.
100. This screenshot was before the higher heat index reading was recorded:
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My wife is from Chicago & honestly in the early 80's every trip going there was fun. I liked her relatives & it had a Virgin Megastore. And Ed Debevic's. Sadly her parents passed away early on in our marriage within a month of each other.

Aha! I said. This is a chance to relocate & move there. I had contacts in the photography field & I was assured a job at Gamma Imaging. Before that happened a wedding took us there again this time in August. Holy crap I was miserable! Walking around Lincoln Park Zoo I thought I was going to spontaneously combust. That was when I realized Chicago's summers are at least as miserable as KC's and the winters are even worse.

Happily had my roots down in the 'burbs of Kansas City ever since. .
I went to my Dad's grave site today, first time in decades. He died Jan 13 1983, the same day, the same hospital, 4 hours apart from my first born Vanessa.
Heavy day, I felt more sadness for my Dad, then joy for my daughter, of course as I didn't know her yet.
His gravestone had a little chip at left bottom corner. The little cup in the dirt for flowers was filled with dirt.
I'm going back to wash his granite gravestone and fix the cup, bring some flowers and a little USA flag, he's not a vet, but they look cool.
He was 67 when he died, I am 67 now, 68 in October. He had a heart murmur.
My wife wants to get cremated and I don't.
There are two unmarked plots to the left of him. When I go back, I am going to ask if one is for sale?
Everyone in my family goes in the 80's and my Mom is still going strong at 91 in October this year, so God willing and the creek don't rise, I'm hoping for another solid 20-25 years.
It was very calming and peaceful in the cemetery. I was by myself.
Anyway, thanks for letting me share, he was a good Dad, born 1915, would be 108 this past Aug 10th.
I lost my dad a little over a year ago. He just missed his 98th birthday, so he had a heck of a good run. Surprisingly, he had myriad health problems over the last 40 years or so that I’m not experiencing (yet), so one of the things I say is that God tried for 40 years to kill him, and he just kept getting back up.

His ashes are on my mom’s dresser. They’ve told me and my sister where they want to have hers and Dad’s ashes scattered when it’s all over for them. And we’re taking Mom to the USAF air show in Boise tomorrow, so she’s still doing pretty good. Her mom made it to 102.
our daughter and son in law live in Chicago. Have been there a ton. Had good times and not so good times. I remember Oct 2016. Late October. A freak heatwave and it was damn near 100 in Chicago. And - ironically - Sonik - we were at Lincoln Park Zoo. It was so hot many of the animals were not allowed outside and I remember ice blocks and cubes in many of the pens. So hot we went across Lakeshore Drive and went swimming in Lake Michigan. It was miserable.
It gets hot in Chicago !