Simply random stuff


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Well, none of those individualistic and hedonistic categories appeal to me, I'm going because of the wonderful social policies that the ad. highlighted: Canada's fantastic environmental record (particularly in reducing fossil fuel extraction); the way they love and respect their First Nations' people (and their land rights); their rejection of subsidising multinational corporations to rip-off their resources; the absence of any political corruption whatsoever; and the way the horsie police don't look like armed terrorist units.

Should be number one, not the second best country in the world. But I won't let that shortfall to world domination glory stop me: I'm still emigrating.
Gonna reduce climate change with all that shade you're throwing at America's hat.
Every evening, Mrs. Pupster and I have dinner with a recording of the original Star Trek series.

Even though, they were low budget affairs and we've seen them many times over the decades; there's just something very nostalgic and comforting with one of the most "enlightened" and ground breaking Sci-Fi series ever made.

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Enlightened, groundbreaking... and very horny vision of the future.
But who is Kid Rock? and why?

So did A LOT - A LOT!! - take a look - of turtles
Oh man, think of all that soup!

This is such a convincing tourism ad to visit Canada, I'm going one step further and emigrating there next month:
Don't forget to bring your long-johns !!!

Well first of all, thanks to all in our QQ family for reaching out to me. It means a lot to me.
Oh lord, I've been laying low around here since the fires and hurricane, I'm just catching up, didn't realize you got hit so bad. We only had some high winds and heavy rains from Idalia down here thankfully.
I'm so glad to hear you and the wife made it thru without injury and that your home is
still on it's foundation.. Let me know if I can send you anything.

As a warning to my friends here, keep a good eye on your "wall wart chargers, etc". A neighbor just a few doors down had one burst into flames right in-front of his face.. He didn't have an extinguisher at the ready and within minutes the below was the result. I was getting very nervous as the firemen fought the blaze, it came within a couple hundred
feet of my place before they got things under control, Thank God.
I did have a small 2lb kitchen extinguisher on my counter but I just grabbed 2 10lbs off ebay. One for the kitchen and one by my back door.
They may be fugly but better safe than sorry.

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Oh man, think of all that soup!

Don't forget to bring your long-johns !!!

Oh lord, I've been laying low around here since the fires and hurricane, I'm just catching up, didn't realize you got hit so bad. We only had some high winds and heavy rains from Idalia down here thankfully.
I'm so glad to hear you and the wife made it thru without injury and that your home is
still on it's foundation.. Let me know if I can send you anything.

As a warning to my friends here, keep a good eye on your "wall wart chargers, etc". A neighbor just a few doors down had one burst into flames right in-front of his face.. He didn't have an extinguisher at the ready and within minutes the below was the result. I was getting very nervous as the firemen fought the blaze, it came within a couple hundred
feet of my place before they got things under control, Thank God.
I did have a small 2lb kitchen extinguisher on my counter but I just grabbed 2 10lbs off ebay. One for the kitchen and one by my back door.
They may be fugly but better safe than sorry.
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Good idea on the extinguishers, think I'll pick some up
Can't beat the fleabay deal, 2 for $90.
They are pretty big, but then they won't quickly run out?
Yeah, 10 lb is pretty hefty. If used smartly during a fire they pack a pretty good punch.
One place I worked had the local fire department come out and train everyone in R&D with them and controlled fires of different types. Always shoot for the base of the fire to block the oxygen/air from feeding the fire. Sum total of my remembrance. Seems like we had one on the choppers, but my memory is not clear on that. Prolly just on the OH56's the brass flew in. lol.
Little update from "my woods" in North Central Florida. I have about 5.3 wooded acres, including my "long a$$" driveway.
Not much time for music lately, I'm sad to report. But clean up continues after Hurricane Idalia.

I had a huge Oak tree close to the house with very large broken limbs hanging on, barely, and attempted to cut the tree down with my trusty old 16 inch Husqvarna chainsaw.
No doubt I could take it down, but it was eating up some time just notching the side I wanted the tree to fall, and wearing badly on the chain.
I took a break and my wife convinced me to get a larger saw, so I ordered a Husqvarna 450 with 20 inch blade from Lowes and picked it up with a spare chain and a new sharpening kit. Roughly $480 after veteran's discount. Ouch!

Things went much smoother after that, and I was able to fell the tree quickly. Plus there are plenty more large trees to either cut up or bring down, some uprooted, others in bad shape from wind damage.
As in music, always good to have the right tools for the job!

After power was restored, our central AC unit had run a few minutes and quit. I did some troubleshooting and determined the condenser fan motor was the likely culprit and have one coming today from EvilBay, about $280, also a real AC tech we scheduled is coming today "just in case". I am not by any means an AC tech, though I've picked up some things over the years.
I'm hoping by nightfall today the AC is working again!!

Up and down every road here, there are huge piles of wood, where either the property owners or the line crews have stashed the wood for lack of any other place to put it. I guess it will all end up in the landfill at the County dump at some point. Sort of sad, when many of these trees were I'm sure prized by the owners for the shade and beauty they once contributed.
I have a broken power pole that the crew from Arkansas replaced, lying in front of my mailbox. Small price to pay to have power vs being able to drive right up to the mailbox.

But as I think Melanie sang "You don't know what you got 'till it's gone".

My old body is feeling the effects of using a chainsaw every day, and the attendant clean up, but I feel fortunate that at my age I can still do these things, if not at the same pace I once could.
Like the song says, "keep pushing on"! Or if you're a fan of the more lowbrow side, "Git 'er done!" lol.
Little update from "my woods" in North Central Florida. I have about 5.3 wooded acres, including my "long a$$" driveway.
Not much time for music lately, I'm sad to report. But clean up continues after Hurricane Idalia.

I had a huge Oak tree close to the house with very large broken limbs hanging on, barely, and attempted to cut the tree down with my trusty old 16 inch Husqvarna chainsaw.
No doubt I could take it down, but it was eating up some time just notching the side I wanted the tree to fall, and wearing badly on the chain.
I took a break and my wife convinced me to get a larger saw, so I ordered a Husqvarna 450 with 20 inch blade from Lowes and picked it up with a spare chain and a new sharpening kit. Roughly $480 after veteran's discount. Ouch!

Things went much smoother after that, and I was able to fell the tree quickly. Plus there are plenty more large trees to either cut up or bring down, some uprooted, others in bad shape from wind damage.
As in music, always good to have the right tools for the job!

After power was restored, our central AC unit had run a few minutes and quit. I did some troubleshooting and determined the condenser fan motor was the likely culprit and have one coming today from EvilBay, about $280, also a real AC tech we scheduled is coming today "just in case". I am not by any means an AC tech, though I've picked up some things over the years.
I'm hoping by nightfall today the AC is working again!!

Up and down every road here, there are huge piles of wood, where either the property owners or the line crews have stashed the wood for lack of any other place to put it. I guess it will all end up in the landfill at the County dump at some point. Sort of sad, when many of these trees were I'm sure prized by the owners for the shade and beauty they once contributed.
I have a broken power pole that the crew from Arkansas replaced, lying in front of my mailbox. Small price to pay to have power vs being able to drive right up to the mailbox.

But as I think Melanie sang "You don't know what you got 'till it's gone".

My old body is feeling the effects of using a chainsaw every day, and the attendant clean up, but I feel fortunate that at my age I can still do these things, if not at the same pace I once could.
Like the song says, "keep pushing on"! Or if you're a fan of the more lowbrow side, "Git 'er done!" lol.
'Old body. and pace' Oh man we know that one all too well. Excellent choice on upgrade Husky. I have owned my saws for many years. Used for lumber company/mill and also we had to burn wood for winter for 25 years. All the heat we had. Miss it. All but the physical part nowadays. Used mostly an old husky with 30" bar and semi skip chisel bit. Cut wood with a quickness. Its an older XP model (late 70's or early 80's) and never failed. Cannot imagine the amount of hours on it. It's been sitting in the garage for several a years now. Someone wanted to buy it...but just can't sell it. Hope all gets back to normal over there. Glad you guys are ok. All the best.
Just got this email.

If my parents had been alive my father would be trying to figure a way to get this into the house and my mother would be trying to figure out a way to stop him! :ROFLMAO:

I flew out to NYC this am and then drove to Lancaster, PA, to watch a former student pitch for the Long Island Ducks of the Atlantic League. The student, Jack Anderson, pitched a 1-2-3 7th inning: he walked the first batter but then picked him off of first with a sweet move! The Ducks lost the game, but they have already secured a playoff spot. I hope to see him pitch several times over the next five days!

He's got a wicked submarine delivery:
Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10.22.46 PM.png
I flew out to NYC this am and then drove to Lancaster, PA, to watch a former student pitch for the Long Island Ducks of the Atlantic League. The student, Jack Anderson, pitched a 1-2-3 7th inning: he walked the first batter but then picked him off of first with a sweet move! The Ducks lost the game, but they have already secured a playoff spot. I hope to see him pitch several times over the next five days!
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He's got a wicked submarine delivery:
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That's getting on down there!
...Jack Anderson, pitched a 1-2-3 7th inning: he walked the first batter but then picked him off of first with a sweet move!...
I have no idea what that means, but then again, I'm someone who's quite at home with "There’s Neil Harvey standing at leg slip with his legs wide apart, waiting for a tickle."