Simply random stuff


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Well don't quit now. lol.
When I was in my late 20's - early 30's I had a book of "poetry" I wrote. Just a disjointed collection of personal thoughts I would write late at night.
I showed them to a friend who was a musician in a band that I sometimes ran the sound for at live gigs.
He also taught English in a local high school.
Well anyway he looks at all my "poetry" and says, this isn't poetry, it's song lyrics. I had never thought of it that way. He thought I should put them to music but I declined.
Point is I guess, you never know when/where inspiration will s
Did he explain the difference between song lyrics and poetry because, IMO, the line must be pretty thin?
It was probably because there were repeated choruses and notes like "guitar solo goes here"....:D
It's depressing to read things like that. I guess my idealized view of things is that we expect those who collaborated to make great music together for so many years to also be the best of friends in life itself, and too often things like ego and personalities get in the way, and it tarnishes the legacy. Simon/Garfunkle, Waters/Gilmour, Hall/Oates, Van Halen/Roth, the list is seemingly endless. But that's life in the real world. Oh well.
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So the continuing saga of my RZ50 with the bad HDMI board.
I bought the original unit Dec 1, 2022. After a few months the HDMI problems started creeping in, intermittently.
Eventually when I could pass no video from the MAIN out I knew there was an easily verifiable problem and contacted Onkyo who had me send it to the repair facility.
Shipped off to repair facility. Verified bad HDMI board. No HDMI boards in the US.
Repair shop shipped my unit off to Onkyo. Onkyo after a bit sent me a "refurbished" unit or as they call them "B" stock.

It arrived Nov 22nd with no prior notice. Got it all set up to go Thanksgiving day early in the morning.
No OSD, could not even get through the "Initial Setup".
Tried to update firmware over the Net.
Network not working on unit, period. Straight to router on CAT cable. No wifi working either.
Tried to update firmware via USB.
No good, always ends with errors 0-82 or 0-85.
I thought, OK, maybe at least get some use out of it until I can contact Onkyo.
No audio. Period.
During all this I did the "Factory Reset" multiple times, to be clear.
Basically spent all day yesterday trying to get this thing working.
I figure the microprocessor is bricked.

Removed the unit from my audio room and boxed it up.
Pretty bummed out, I believe I've been through all the stages of grief and now acceptance.

So sent Onkyo an email and who knows how long until I get a response.
I asked for a refund, which of course we know will never happen.
At this point I would be satisfied with a brand new unit.
Hey, I can always wish, can't I?

So I set up the old TX-NR656. Everything working as it should.
5.1.2 not nearly as nice as 7.1.4.
So the continuing saga of my RZ50 with the bad HDMI board.
I bought the original unit Dec 1, 2022. After a few months the HDMI problems started creeping in, intermittently.
Eventually when I could pass no video from the MAIN out I knew there was an easily verifiable problem and contacted Onkyo who had me send it to the repair facility.
Shipped off to repair facility. Verified bad HDMI board. No HDMI boards in the US.
Repair shop shipped my unit off to Onkyo. Onkyo after a bit sent me a "refurbished" unit or as they call them "B" stock.

It arrived Nov 22nd with no prior notice. Got it all set up to go Thanksgiving day early in the morning.
No OSD, could not even get through the "Initial Setup".
Tried to update firmware over the Net.
Network not working on unit, period. Straight to router on CAT cable. No wifi working either.
Tried to update firmware via USB.
No good, always ends with errors 0-82 or 0-85.
I thought, OK, maybe at least get some use out of it until I can contact Onkyo.
No audio. Period.
During all this I did the "Factory Reset" multiple times, to be clear.
Basically spent all day yesterday trying to get this thing working.
I figure the microprocessor is bricked.

Removed the unit from my audio room and boxed it up.
Pretty bummed out, I believe I've been through all the stages of grief and now acceptance.

So sent Onkyo an email and who knows how long until I get a response.
I asked for a refund, which of course we know will never happen.
At this point I would be satisfied with a brand new unit.
Hey, I can always wish, can't I?

So I set up the old TX-NR656. Everything working as it should.
5.1.2 not nearly as nice as 7.1.4.
That is appallingly sloppy of Onkyo. I bet you got some other customers unfixed duff unit.
My daughter asked me to pick up the Aimee Mann 7" and Joni Mitchell Court and Spark Demos Record Store Day releases, so i was first in line to ensure her wish came true . . . and i had a couple of items in which i was interested as well! SQUEEZEBOX in Evanston, Illinois rewarded me with a $50 gift certificate for being first! It was a chilly night, but good camaraderie!
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Fresh from Squeezebox's Facebook page! Tim presenting me with a tee shirt and gift certificate for braving the cold to be first in line; he also gave me a Metallica figure cuz he knows what i like:
Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 3.21.37 PM.png

The first wave into the warmth of the store! I hope We all got what We waited in line for! Keep on spinning, comrades!

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Fresh from Squeezebox's Facebook page! Tim presenting me with a tee shirt and gift certificate for braving the cold to be first in line; he also gave me a Metallica figure cuz he knows what i like:
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The first wave into the warmth of the store! I hope We all got what We waited in line for! Keep on spinning, comrades!

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I want your furry hat. I only have one that looks like I got it from cousin Eddie.