Simply random stuff


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Until this morning I had no idea Kiss the band ever had a feature film starring them:
Has anyone else heard of or watched this movie? Of course it got my curiosity up & I started to poke around looking for it to watch tonight. Bits and pieces of it on YT is all I found. And after seeing the trailer I also must say my curiosoity is satisfied enough:

I own it on VHS but have never seen it, probably should one of these days. Kiss were my favourite band growing up. My first true love, if you will. The image and the attitude of the 70s incarnation just lit me up.

My opinion of them has diminished quite a bit since then, but I sure do enjoy cranking up Hotter Than Hell or Rock and Roll Over and rocking out every once in a while. Still holding out hope for a Wilson mix of Love Gun…
Eating breakfast I ran across this round up of popular British foods:
Having been in the UK only once back in the 80's I found breakfast always tasty. Although I never figured out... where do they get all those white sausages from? And the worst "BBQ" I ever had was in London. Pretty much deli meat with BBQ sauce on it. Went back to a restaurant multiple times called Garfunkel's because I liked the name & the menu was extensive.

A shout out to our Brit members for any feedback on the above article. And what perhaps do you find the most odd things about American food?
FSU undefeated but our QB took a major hit in game 11. Still beat the 'Gators yesterday. Playing them in the Swamp is a very very hostile atmosphere, especially for an FSU fan. The people are just, ah, uncivil. lol. They'll throw drinks on you, threaten you, all sorts of stuff.
That's why it's so satisfying to whip them in their own stadium. businessman George Cohon, who founded McDonald's Canada and helped open the fast-food company's first franchise in the Soviet Union, has died, his family said on social media. He was 86.

...Cohon was born in Chicago in 1937 and moved to Toronto in the 1960s. In 1968, he opened the first McDonald's location in Canada, in London, Ont.
Eating breakfast I ran across this round up of popular British foods:
Having been in the UK only once back in the 80's I found breakfast always tasty. Although I never figured out... where do they get all those white sausages from? And the worst "BBQ" I ever had was in London. Pretty much deli meat with BBQ sauce on it. Went back to a restaurant multiple times called Garfunkel's because I liked the name & the menu was extensive.

A shout out to our Brit members for any feedback on the above article. And what perhaps do you find the most odd things about American food?
Fried Ocra!

That and choices, I was asked what I wanted for breakfast in a restaurant in Atlanta and said eggs, the waitress reeled off a huge list, and I said just cooked (I was very jet lagged), she looked down through the list again and said we don't have that! :LOL: I went to the self-service section.
Fried Ocra!

That and choices, I was asked what I wanted for breakfast in a restaurant in Atlanta and said eggs, the waitress reeled off a huge list, and I said just cooked (I was very jet lagged), she looked down through the list again and said we don't have that! :LOL: I went to the self-service section.
Yup, that sounds just like:

Fried okra is delicious. Crunchy on the outside, slimy on the inside.
So, I've finally made the move to Canada to be with my lady. Left Oz on my birthday and in a Doctor Who moment, I arrived (Vancouver, Nov. 17, 6am) before I left (Brisbane, Nov. 17, 11am), so two birthdays (though 14 hours in a plane ain't a great way to spend one of them). And here's proof that I'm here, a photo I took of Vancouver's famous and spacious Stanley Park:

Lonely Boot in Stanley Park.JPG
So, I've finally made the move to Canada to be with my lady. Left Oz on my birthday and in a Doctor Who moment, I arrived (Vancouver, Nov. 17, 6am) before I left (Brisbane, Nov. 17, 11am), so two birthdays (though 14 hours in a plane ain't a great way to spend one of them). And here's proof that I'm here, a photo I took of Vancouver's famous and spacious Stanley Park:

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Congrats on your move!
I spent 16 hours on a C130 once, I had to wear my earplugs. (no insulation for sound or anything else in cargo area) I spent most of the ride sitting in a jeep or looking out the jump doors. (the windows in the jump doors to be clear) lol.
FSU undefeated but our QB took a major hit in game 11. Still beat the 'Gators yesterday. Playing them in the Swamp is a very very hostile atmosphere, especially for an FSU fan. The people are just, ah, uncivil. lol. They'll throw drinks on you, threaten you, all sorts of stuff.
That's why it's so satisfying to whip them in their own stadium.
hey Booney
your team and my team ( UofM Wolverines ) could very well be playing each other in the College Championship series. We will find out next week
So, I've finally made the move to Canada to be with my lady. Left Oz on my birthday and in a Doctor Who moment, I arrived (Vancouver, Nov. 17, 6am) before I left (Brisbane, Nov. 17, 11am), so two birthdays (though 14 hours in a plane ain't a great way to spend one of them). And here's proof that I'm here, a photo I took of Vancouver's famous and spacious Stanley Park:

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Congratulations David. I know that it was a long time coming.
So, I've finally made the move to Canada to be with my lady. Left Oz on my birthday and in a Doctor Who moment, I arrived (Vancouver, Nov. 17, 6am) before I left (Brisbane, Nov. 17, 11am), so two birthdays (though 14 hours in a plane ain't a great way to spend one of them). And here's proof that I'm here, a photo I took of Vancouver's famous and spacious Stanley Park:

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Was that lying aboot?
hey Booney
your team and my team ( UofM Wolverines ) could very well be playing each other in the College Championship series. We will find out next week
Good job by the blue this weekend! My dad was a grad, and my earliest memories are of married students’ housing in Ann Arbor.
Eating breakfast I ran across this round up of popular British foods:
Having been in the UK only once back in the 80's I found breakfast always tasty. Although I never figured out... where do they get all those white sausages from? And the worst "BBQ" I ever had was in London. Pretty much deli meat with BBQ sauce on it. Went back to a restaurant multiple times called Garfunkel's because I liked the name & the menu was extensive.

A shout out to our Brit members for any feedback on the above article. And what perhaps do you find the most odd things about American food?
If I ask for a roast chicken dinner in the UK I get half of a small chicken, when i was in Las Vegas I got a full fully grown chicken, I ate less than half of it and thought to myself “what a waste”, when the bill came my leftover dinner was handed to me very unexpectedly, that’s not a thing here unless you ask for it in a doggy bag to take home. I did indulge in steak and eggs for breakfast each morning for the princely sum of $2.99. (It was 2004)
This is a serious matter. I opened the basement door this morning and there was a slight smell of something electrical burning. I flew down the stairs. First thought: "My equipment!" But I hadn't left anything turned on. Anyway, I find this small LED bulb lying on the carpet. It had fried and liberated itself where it screws into the socket and fell from the fixture. Anyone ever see anything like this? I have to wonder now if these types of bulbs are dodgy. :unsure:

This is a serious matter. I opened the basement door this morning and there was a slight smell of something electrical burning. I flew down the stairs. First thought: "My equipment!" But I hadn't left anything turned on. Anyway, I find this small LED bulb lying on the carpet. It had fried and liberated itself where it screws into the socket and fell from the fixture. Anyone ever see anything like this? I have to wonder now if these types of bulbs are dodgy. :unsure:

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I have never EVER seen anything like got any equipment (like a multimeter) to test the voltage/current (or whatever) of the socket it came out of?
This is a serious matter. I opened the basement door this morning and there was a slight smell of something electrical burning. I flew down the stairs. First thought: "My equipment!" But I hadn't left anything turned on. Anyway, I find this small LED bulb lying on the carpet. It had fried and liberated itself where it screws into the socket and fell from the fixture. Anyone ever see anything like this? I have to wonder now if these types of bulbs are dodgy. :unsure:

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whoa ! Its either a circuit issue or a faulty bulb. I always buy name brand bulbs --Sylvania or GE. test your circuit