Simply random stuff


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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. hotel room is at +24degC, but they have put a thick winter duvet on the bed! I've been sleeping on top of it!

Why do these bloody hotels always use these duvets 365 days out of the year. I disassemble them so that I only have to use the sheet that encapsulates the unit. Not as ingenious as hacking into an SACD, but a relief when the temps call for it.
Why do these bloody hotels always use these duvets 365 days out of the year. I disassemble them so that I only have to use the sheet that encapsulates the unit. Not as ingenious as hacking into an SACD, but a relief when the temps call for it.
They think its cold!

Some of the people in the office are wearing thick jumpers, I'm hot in a T-shirt! One April I was in France down on the Carmargue, I was standing looking at the view in a T-shirt amazed at the locals who had thick Parkas on with the hoods up
There is probably a better place for this but I thought many would find this amusing. A discussion about why some prefer vinyl to cds. I'm not sure I buy into it, but it is a good, quick read and an interesting theory.
Or maybe it's just a big joke. If so, it should have been held until April 1st
Never in my life would I have expected Weezer, Number Girl, Tame Impala, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, and The Flaming Lips all have the same producer, but here we are. So the next question, how the hell?

Also the Al Schmitt website is missing a few Al Schmitt records in their discography page, which I'm surprised about. It seems pretty extensive but looks like they don't have everything because I recently bought a record that's not listed on the site. On SACD.
Cool man, I am 0+ and can donate all, including platelets which is about 2 hours. I haven't donated in awhile and started stressing about finding the time.
I just decided to go today for whole blood, about 45mins at a mobile station about 5 mins away from my house on the way to work.
I'm walking, hill climbing this morning, water and lunch, appointment at 1:00.
Finishing the new Prince Atmos now, pretty dang good, actually real good Atmos mix, I'm pleasantly surprised.
Songs are real good with a couple hits.
Donating blood today.
I have probably donated ten gallons or more over the years, and donated platelets about a dozen times. I was donating regularly in Virginia, but three times in a row I was turned down for various reasons, so I gave up. Here in Idaho, it’s almost impossible to donate. Only one location, and you need an appointment about two months out. Seems they don’t need 76 year-old stuff.
Speaking of [Ed: Who's Next box set], not in my top 5 for 2023, I'm surprised for how expensive it was. Notice pre release everyone on QQ talking, after release, dead silent.
Markie, you need to understand that this Who's Next box set is like sex...we crave it so badly that we talk about it incessantly. But when it finally comes, we just want to roll over and go to sleep. :sneaky:
My wife and i bought some Christmas presents at a local pop-up store, and the artist presented us with a cabbage . . . which my wife turned into delicious okonomiyaki!
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