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Started my day the squeaky clean way–my fourth clean game (no open frames; a spare or strike in every frame) out of 611 games bowled since June! A rare occurrence for me . . . I'm a dirty bowler!
Screenshot 2023-12-13 at 1.05.37 PM.png
I'm convinced that there's no way the drivel on the current top charts ISN'T written by AI...
I had that thought too when I read @jefe1 's comment.

One day AI will also generate the melodies and instrumentation. That will be the end of the music industry.

As far as I'm concerned we've reached the end several years ago. There isn't much new music that appeals to me, but maybe that's just normal for those of that are over 60.
I had that thought too when I read @jefe1 's comment.

As far as I'm concerned we've reached the end several years ago. There isn't much new music that appeals to me, but maybe that's just normal for those of that are over 60.
That's pretty much where I am. I look forward to Wilson/TPT/Soord/Djabe/Hackett for sure. But the "redo's" in Atmos of a majority of older stuff don't really appeal to me, though I've bought some: usually artists, sort of pop that were off my radar back when, and even in Atmos don't really appeal much, though I'm a big Atmos fan.
I guess I'm just more a Prog Rock and Jazz guy.

I buy some things to support the cause, but hardly listen more than once. Exceptions, of course.
The crowd here at QQ speak out about new releases of established artists I care about, and that's where my money usually goes. I wish I could support all surround releases, but although I buy really more than I can afford, one hits a point where you just have to say no.
Coming up fast on 74. I guess most of my tastes are ingrained, though I have had some surprises that I learned about through this forum.

Really, I'm open to about anything music and just try to keep an open mind about all forms, though I must say traditional Classical, while it appealed to me in my youth, carries little weight now. Way it is.