Simply random stuff


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After Xmas I'm going to order the In Search Of Space & black background Doremi mugs!
Elsewhere in the football tail gating thread I mentioned a regional grocery store chain, Hyvee, has a promotion tied in with the Chiefs. What the Chiefs score in points, spend that in dollars the next day & receive that amount off in cents per gallon. That is, if the Chiefs score 31 points, spend $31 the next day & get 31 cents per gallon discount. What I didn't mention is these points accrue. If you shop more than you drive (or occasionally fill up elsewhere) you don't lose them.


Yup take a close look. The other day my wife filled up with 19.8 gals for only 18 pennies!!! :SB
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I know absolutley nothing about cotton fields. Is this a good one? Close to harvest? And when you travel all that way to a farm what is the purpose? Talk about herbicides or seeds?
LOL! I didn't even see this post from years ago. I travel because I work for a plant breeding company. We have many research trials across the US (and many other countries for that matter)
I go to learn the crop, learn how it behaves in certain regions. Go see clients who may buy the genetics from our company.
My Denon avr-x2600 got an update tonight, the first since I bought it a few weeks ago, it fixed my airplay problem, it wouldn’t connect previously which annoyed me even though I don’t use it much, I am fussy and like things to work as they should
That's great! I kept hoping for an Auro3D update for my Onkyo RZ50 but looks like they waited until the RZ70 to do it. Curses, foiled again.
Right now Dirac Live isn't working for many of us, I hope Onkyo and Dirac get it figured out soon.
How come you never post your score when it is only a 122? :ROFLMAO:
I will start a thread (don't worry–on another site), Bowling with Clement, on which i post each game i bowl (655 since i started archiving them on 10 July!). I'll put the link here for all interested parties. It'll be a thrill ride. Here's a sneak preview of the type of exciting data you will find there:
Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 8.02.25 AM.png

I'd post more for you, but i have to hit the road for my Friday morning league! Keep rolling, comrades!
I will start a thread (don't worry–on another site), Bowling with Clement, on which i post each game i bowl (655 since i started archiving them on 10 July!). I'll put the link here for all interested parties. It'll be a thrill ride. Here's a sneak preview of the type of exciting data you will find there:
View attachment 99536

I'd post more for you, but i have to hit the road for my Friday morning league! Keep rolling, comrades!
Years since I've even been in a bowling alley. Even then it was more to take a friend's kids to have some fun. Single Mom with kids, you know.
It was more fun watching the kids learn than actually bowling myself.
My wife just informed me we DO have a place with a few lanes here. Hmmm. Wonder if they have any EMT standing by for us old codgers. lol.
I will start a thread (don't worry–on another site), Bowling with Clement, on which i post each game i bowl (655 since i started archiving them on 10 July!). I'll put the link here for all interested parties. It'll be a thrill ride. Here's a sneak preview of the type of exciting data you will find there:
View attachment 99536

I'd post more for you, but i have to hit the road for my Friday morning league! Keep rolling, comrades!
Glad to see that your running average is rising, but the standard deviation is remarkably large. I had a fraternity brother who plotted his bowling scores versus the number of beers he had in his system. Eventually, his score bottomed out at what he labeled "terminal beer."
Glad to see that your running average is rising, but the standard deviation is remarkably large. I had a fraternity brother who plotted his bowling scores versus the number of beers he had in his system. Eventually, his score bottomed out at what he labeled "terminal beer."
Ha! I shudder to think what my bowling would be like had i taken it up when i was drinking and drugging! I am certainly ALL over the place–this sport is a mystery to me! The old timers tell me it's really very simple: go on strike and spare no pins!
Years since I've even been in a bowling alley. Even then it was more to take a friend's kids to have some fun. Single Mom with kids, you know.
It was more fun watching the kids learn than actually bowling myself.
My wife just informed me we DO have a place with a few lanes here. Hmmm. Wonder if they have any EMT standing by for us old codgers. lol.
Today, i bowled with Bette. She is 102. Here she is after rolling a 160!
Ha! I shudder to think what my bowling would be like had i taken it up when i was drinking and drugging! I am certainly ALL over the place–this sport is a mystery to me! The old timers tell me it's really very simple: go on strike and spare no pins!
What fun is bowling without alcohol? lol. My Dad used to get hammered but he was a pretty good bowler.
What fun is bowling without alcohol? lol. My Dad used to get hammered but he was a pretty good bowler.
The first school where i taught had a bowling league: teachers and administrators. I went for a couple of weeks. My scores always got higher the more i drank! My wife didn't appreciate my coming home hammered, so to keep things happy in the marriage, i bailed on the bowling. Glad i found it again . . . though i do wonder if a cocktail or three might loosen me up!
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How come you never post your score when it is only a 122? :ROFLMAO:
Okay, here's one that shows just how bad i can be: the Friday league in which i bowl has weekly contests; last week's was Splitsville (splits are NOT a good thing in bowling). I won the competition with the most splits in a three-game series . . . at least i get paid for being so bad!
Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10.04.28 PM.png
Okay, here's one that shows just how bad i can be: the Friday league in which i bowl has weekly contests; last week's was Splitsville (splits are NOT a good thing in bowling). I won the competition with the most splits in a three-game series . . . at least i get paid for being so bad!
View attachment 99554
With that kind of prize money available, I’d be rolling right at the head pin every frame!
The first school where i taught had a bowling league: teachers and administrators. I went for a couple of weeks. My scores always got higher the more i drank! My wife didn't appreciate my coming home so hammered, so to keep things happy in the marriage, i bailed on the bowling. Glad i found it again . . . though i do wonder if a cocktail or three might loosen me up!
Drinking is an excuse for one's bowling score, and one's bowling score is an excuse to drink. That's what I call a win, win situation.